Republican Jewish Coalition

John --

The RJC is proud to announce that the RJC PAC is supporting Senator Lindsey Graham’s reelection campaign. Senator Graham has proven to be a true leader in the Republican Party through his dedication to confirming President Trump’s judicial nominees and his commitment to advancing a pro-Israel agenda!

We need your help to ensure his victory in what will be a critical election year for Republicans. 

Can we count on your support?


Before coming to the Senate, Graham had a distinguished career as a JAG officer in the United States Air Force. As a Senator, he serves as chairman of the Judiciary Committee and of the Appropriations subcommittee related to foreign affairs. His tireless work on the Judiciary Committee is the reason Republicans were able to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court!

Senator Graham is at the height of his influence and is a key ally of President Trump.

We need strong, effective leaders like Senator Graham in the Senate to continue supporting President Trump’s agenda. Donate through this portal, and your donation will go directly to Senator Graham’s campaign. He will know that you made the donation and that it went through the RJC PAC portal.

Chip in now to keep Democrats from taking over in 2020 and reversing all the progress that’s been made!


Alex Siegel

RJC Deputy Executive Director

[email protected]

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Republican Jewish Coalition | 50 F Street, N.W., Suite 100 | Washington, DC 20001
202.638.6688 | [email protected]
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