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Emily's List staff unionize
Union Voice/Readers Write: Gifting Radium Girls
Today's Labor Quote
Today's Labor History
[link removed] LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report
MoCo/PGCo COPE Mtg: Planning for MD GA 2021: Thu, December 17, 10am - 12pm
At this important meeting, we will discuss and lay out the Metro Washington Council's plan for the upcoming 2021 legislative session.
[link removed] Register in advance for this meeting
Union City Radio: Your Rights at Work: Thu, December 17, 1pm - 2pm
WPFW 89.3 FM or [link removed] listen online
This week's guests: we'll preview the San Francisco Mime Troupe's "A Red Carol"with Music Producer Daniel Savio; Kathy Newman will talk with us about Christmas(and Class) Behind the Scenes in holiday movies, plus music from Charley Pride!
Rebuilding Collective Bargaining Back Better (EPI): Thu, December 17, 4:00pm - 5:15pm
[link removed] Details/RSVP here
Baltimore Labor Council meeting: Thu, December 17, 7pm - 9pm
Email for call-in details: mailto:
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[link removed] NoVA Labor monthly meeting: Thu, December 17, 7pm - 9pm
Performing Arts Unions - report by Jess Speaker (SAG/AFTRA); Community Services - report by Sonte DuCote; Federal Employee Union update: Eviction crisis and tenant organizing; Update on DACA/TPS; Swearing in of newly elected officers and Board members
[link removed] Labor Radio-Podcast Weekly: The SAG-AFTRA podcast; The Blue Collar Gospel Hour; The Valley Labor Report; Labor History in Two; Labor Vision; CTU Speaks
Emily's List staff unionize
"Today, we are incredibly excited to welcome the staff of Emily's List to our big union family!" tweeted OPEIU Local 2 yesterday. "Today the staff at EMILY's List is making a new endorsement: the EMILY's Union," [link removed] tweeted EMILY's Union. "We can't wait for (Emily's List's) publicly pro-union leadership to recognize their union on December 22," added Local 2.
Union Voice/Readers Write: Gifting Radium Girls
"I thought what a great Christmas gift to give tickets to my book club and some other friends to see Radium Girls and love that it will help support CLUW," writes Catherine Rylatt. "I do wonder if I can purchase a bunch of tickets to give as gifts?"
[link removed] Click here to buy -- or give (just click on "Give as a gift") - tickets ($2 of each ticket goes to the Coalition of Labor Union Women) to unlock an online screening of Radium Girls, based on the true story of the poisoning of young women workers by American Radium in the 1920s, and their battle for justice.
Today's labor quote: Kathy Newman
"Movies require a great deal of work, most of it unsung and behind the scenes, often done by people who are considered to be working class."
Newman, an Associate Professor of English at Carnegie Mellon University, will discuss workers and holiday movies on Your Rights At Work today at 1p on WPFW 89.3 FM.
Today's Labor History
This week's [link removed] Labor History Today podcast: Paul Robeson and the 1948 Library of Congress cafeteria workers' strike: With 95% of DC's hotel and restaurant workers out of work because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we look back at the history of cafeteria workers' struggle at the Library of Congress for a union and how singer and activist Paul Robeson supported their 1948 strike. Plus: AFSCME's Lillian Roberts tells how a showdown with NY Governor Nelson Rockefeller over the right of state workers to organize led to her being jailed for two weeks in December, 1968; Mark Bradley, author of Blood Runs Coal, about the brutal 1968 murder of Jock Yablonski and his family by United Mineworkers president Tony Boyle, and how it inspired a surge in union democracy; The Beginning of the End of Apartheid.
Last week's show: [link removed] America's last general strike. photo: mass picket outside the Federal Works Administration during the 1948 cafeteria strike.
Protesting unemployment, lack of political representation, and taxation without representation, a thousand members of the Australian Workers' Union, led by Harold Nelson, marched on the Government House in Darwin, Australia (below), demanding the resignation of John Gilruth, Administrator of the Northern Territory. Gilruth left under military protection, never to return, and Nelson went on to win the first Territory seat in Australia's House of Representatives -1918
Int'l Union of Aluminum, Brick & Glass Workers merges with United Steelworkers of America - 1996
- David Prosten
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.
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