Compared to the big bank’s lobbyists, Positive Money operates on a shoestring budget. We’re trying to topple the titans of the financial system, but we’re very much David to their Goliath. As a Positive Money supporter you know better than most that money makes the world go round - it's time we had more of it in our corner.
Thanks to last week’s new donors, Positive Money now has more than £500 extra every month to spend on campaigns. More funding means more impact - more research reports, videos and advocacy work. To have ten times the impact, we need ten times the budget. And that’s where people power comes in again - if every supporter reading this gave just £2 a month, we’d have nearly £20,000 extra to spend on our campaigns together every month.
If you can, John, please hit a button below and set up your regular donation today. It only takes 2 minutes.