Thursday, December 17th, 2020

Rallies in DC for the Constitution, Election Integrity, and Trump

Ginny Garner

There Is No Judicial Branch Per the Constitution and Thomas Jefferson

Yvonne Lorenzo

Taking Christmas Seriously

Andrew P. Napolitano

When Deplorables Become Ungovernables

Pepe Escobar

When The Elderly and Frail Die After Receiving the Covid Vaccine

What if it’s your mother or father? Jon Rappoport

Still Dreaming of a White Christmas

L. Q. Cincinnatus

The Holy Jab

Eric Peters

California Sheriff Refuses ‘Absurd’ Order to Release Murderers and Rapists Due to Pandemic

Rick Moran

Les Enfants Terribles

Tim Hartnett

Vitamin C Treatment for Covid-19 Being Silenced

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Why People Don’t Trust Pfizer’s Covid Vaccine

Antony Sammeroff

Vaccines Do Not Prevent Infections But Do Cause Disease and Masks Don’t Work

Dianne Marshall

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