
There are few things that politicians in Washington, D.C., agree on these days. 

But now, thanks to a new bill introduced by Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard and Republican Rep. Markwayne Mullin, protecting women’s sports is one of them.

Protect women’s sports: sign the petition.
The bipartisan “Protect Women’s Sports Act” would amend Title IX to clarify that, when it comes to athletics, “sex” shall be determined on the basis of biological sex at birth—not gender identity. This would codify true equal opportunity for women and girls in high school and college sports.

"Unfortunately, some states are now misinterpreting Title IX, creating uncertainty, hardship, and lost opportunities for girls and women. It is being undermined by changing rules that allow biological males who identify as women to compete against biological women in sports... the Protect Women's Sports Act clarifies, upholds, and strengthens the original intent of Title IX. It ensures a level playing field for girls and women competing in sports." - Rep. Gabbard
This is a huge step towards protecting female athletes, but the fight is far from over.

Gabbard, a Major in the Army Reserves, has little support from her fellow progressives in Congress. 

Worse, she’s being attacked as “discriminatory” and “transphobic” for introducing this legislation to protect women and girls. However, we all know that forcing female athletes to compete against biological males is discriminatory against women and girls.
Help us defend Gabbard and fight for women’s sports.

"It is the height of hypocrisy for those who claim to be advocates for women's rights to deny that there is even such a thing as a woman, biologically speaking, to deny the very biological distinction that makes women, women, and not men." - Rep. Gabbard

Allowing male-bodied athletes to compete with female athletes takes away valuable opportunities for women and girls and, in some cases, puts their safety at risk.
Sign our petition to make it known that you stand for common-sense legislation that protects women’s sports.

True equality in competitive sports depends on it.
Thanks for your help,