This is a gamechanger.
A new report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office just confirmed publicly what we’ve known all along:
Replacing our current health care system with Medicare for All would save our country billions of dollars per year while providing life-saving care to everyone as a right.1
They studied five different iterations of single-payer health care, and in each scenario, the savings ranged from $42 and $743 billion per year.
Medicare for All legislation will be reintroduced in Congress, and we must get as many co-sponsors on the bill as possible. Your representative needs to hear from you now so we can put as much pressure on Congress as possible.
Every letter can be personalized and will be immediately emailed to your rep’s office using our secure system.
Not only did the study find that Medicare for All would massively reduce overall health care spending in the country, it emphasized that more people would also get the primary care they need.
Under Medicare for All, everyone could regularly see a doctor, leading to less chronic illness and more preventative care, which would save lives and money in the long run.
The study also found that because employers would no longer have to include health care as part of total compensation, wages for workers would likely increase. In addition, workers would not have to make decisions about whether to stay at a particular job in order to maintain health care coverage.
Overall, this report confirms what we’ve known for some time: We can provide high-quality health care to every person in this country while spending less money on health care overall.
The barrier to Medicare for All is not cost – it is a matter of political will and the choice of our politicians to protect the profits of private corporations over human lives.
Thank you for taking the time.
Max Cotterill
Nurses’ Campaign for Medicare for All
1 - Congressional Budget Office