Friend, something is seriously wrong with our presidential elections.
The broken Electoral College has given the presidency to the candidate who lost the popular vote in two of the past five elections -- most recently Donald Trump. Candidates spend the majority of their time and resources in a handful of battleground states. And voters in the rest of the country feel like their vote doesn’t matter at all.
The time has come to FIX the broken Electoral College. AND… there’s a solution spreading like wildfire: National Popular Vote.
Just this year, Colorado, New Mexico, and Delaware have signed on, bringing us just a handful of states away from victory. Now, we need your help to push our efforts over the edge.
Here’s how National Popular Vote (NPV) works: right now, candidates only compete in a few "swing states" -- but with NPV, the candidate who wins the most votes nationwide would become the next president.
That’s right… National Popular Vote would finally give voters in all 50 states a real voice in presidential elections.
And, best of all… it wouldn’t take an act of Congress or a constitutional amendment to get it done. By signing onto the National Popular Vote Compact, states can pledge to award their electoral votes to the national popular vote winner -- simple as that.
15 states and D.C. -- totaling 196 electoral votes of the needed 270 -- have already signed on. And once we reach 270, an Electoral College majority, it’ll take effect -- letting ALL of us have a real say in presidential elections.
That’s why Common Cause has prioritized winning National Popular Vote in as many states as possible this year -- and we’ve already helped bring Colorado, New Mexico, Delaware, and Oregon on board. We have real momentum, which is why in the coming months Common Cause must ramp up our efforts even more.
So, if you agree it’s time to fix the broken Electoral College, I hope you'll invest in our grassroots organizing for National Popular Vote with a contribution today >>
As more and more Americans focus on next year’s presidential election, we have a MAJOR opportunity to expand National Popular Vote to more states -- inching closer and closer to the 270-vote mark we need for victory.
And, with your support, we can win. It’s time to STOP the Electoral College from silencing the majority of voters, and ensure that every American has a meaningful voice in our presidential elections -- no matter where they live.
I’m glad to have you on our side,
Jesse Littlewood, Vice President for Campaigns
and the team at Common Cause