From Greg Farough, DbD <[email protected]>
Subject IDAD 2020 sent Netflix and DRM a message
Date December 17, 2020 12:03 AM
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Dear DRM Elimination Crew

December 4th was the Free Software Foundation (FSF) and its Defective
by Design (DBD) campaign's fourteenth [International Day Against
DRM][1] (IDAD), and we couldn't have done it without your help. Given
that we were unable to organize in person this year, the international
response of people who digitally stood up against [Digital
Restrictions Management (DRM)][2] has been nothing short of inspiring. We
were able to come together for a common goal and voice our opposition
against DRM.

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[2]: [link removed]

Being the International Day Against DRM, it wouldn't be complete
without a bit of action. Thanks to the help of our supporters, we were
able to send Netflix a strong message about its use of DRM. Given its
tremendous resources and influence, Netflix has the opportunity to
pave the way and be the first major and globally used DRM-free
streaming service. As it currently stands, however, it falls into the
trap of restricting what users can and cannot do with their media
under the guise of "[copyright infringement][3]," something DRM does
nothing to combat (and even if it did, would only do so at an
unacceptable cost to your freedom). As December 4th also marked the
start of Netflix's "StreamFest" promotion in some countries, we wanted
to be there to tell it that no use of DRM is acceptable. Together, we
were able to make our voices heard. And we're pretty sure they heard
us, based on reports of them taking the main phone number we pointed
the DRM Elimination Crew to offline.

[3]: [link removed]

Our videoconference session on anti-DRM activism (using BigBlueButton)
netted participants from all over the globe, and it was inspiring to
see and hear from fellow supporters from five different countries (and
possibly more). During the session, we discussed common challenges
faced by people who refuse to participate in DRM-restricted media, and
got a jumpstart on our organizing work for the next year. Whether you
participated in the audio and video or just the chat, we'd like to
sincerely thank you for joining us. The BigBlueButton session was our
first one of the kind, and it went so smoothly that we look forward to
hosting more in the future.

In addition to the Netflix action and BigBlueButton session, we
encouraged participants to challenge themselves to a [Day without
DRM][4], and also coordinated an effort to document DRM's foothold in
countries such as Portugal and Brazil. Following up on our article
about the latest call for [DMCA anti-circumvention exceptions][5], we
also used this year's IDAD as a day to show support for each and every
proposed exception to the DMCA. All in all, it was a multifaceted and
varied approach to combating DRM, and we're grateful to all those who
participated, particularly organizations from all around the world
like the Electronic Frontier Foundation, [Creative Commons][6],
[April][7], [ANSOL][8], and [Framasoft][9].

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DRM is an issue that affects everyone who participates in digital
culture, and as most people are still under quarantine, we don't
expect the global level of dependence on DRM-restricted streaming
services to end anytime soon. We want to continue to ensure that the
Defective by Design campaign remains strong and able to combat these
restrictions and those that we've yet to see. Given the progress we
made with this year's IDAD, we have a strong basis on which to build
our further actions.

Defective by Design is a campaign run by the Free Software Foundation,
and it's your support that keeps us moving forward. You can support
our vital work against DRM by becoming an [associate member][20]: the
support of our members ensures we can confidently combat the
movement's next threat. Right now, the FSF is in the middle of our
[annual fundraiser][21], and we depend on you to help us keep our
vital work against DRM going strong.

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Just as we couldn't have accomplished IDAD without your support, we
want you to be involved in next year's event, and the campaign going
forward. If you haven't yet, we invite you to join the [DRM
Elimination Crew][22] discussion mailing list as we talk about the
next steps in the campaign, and settle on a date for next year. You
can also always reach us and other anti-DRM activists from around the
world on the \#dbd [IRC channel][23] of the Freenode network. In the
fourteen years that the Defective by Design campaign has been active,
we've seen what a small but committed group of activists can
accomplish. With your support, I'm confident we can make DRM a thing
of the past.

[22]: [link removed]
[23]: [link removed]


Greg Farough
Campaigns Manager

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Defective by Design is a campaign of the Free Software Foundation:

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