Patriot, We are closing in on 2021 and this may be the most important email you read before the new year. Nearly all of our plans to fight the unprecedented tyranny that has been rolled out this year hinge on your generous donation right now. Please consider the most generous donation you can make, at once! No matter what next year throws at us, whether it be plans for mandatory vaccinations, contact tracing and tracking, unscientific lockdowns and mask mandates, we MUST be ready to fight back. The authoritarians and bureaucrats need to hear the message LOUD AND CLEAR -- millions of patriots like you and me will not roll over and submissively cower to their schemes. We will stand together and demand our freedom. In Liberty, Ron ---------------Forwarded Message--------------- Subject: Back to normal? ![]() Patriot, 2020 was the year that “collectivism” ran wild in America. State and city governments across the country seized an unprecedented amount of power and now it’s up to you and me to stand up and take it back. You know they won’t give it up willingly now that they have it. Of course, if you remember March, which seems like a lifetime ago, we were all told that this would just be a 15-day sacrifice and things would go right back to “normal” after we “flattened the curve.” Nine months later, “normal” feels further away than it ever has, especially if your business or employment has been put in jeopardy over and over again with these ineffective and tyrannical lockdowns. It’s up to us to take back our rights! Campaign for Liberty will be here fighting for you in 2021, but it’s very important to know if you still stand with us. Renew your support today with a donation of $35, $50, or even $100 and we pledge to put every penny toward the fight with the tyrants who want to strip us of our liberties piece by piece! In addition to the havoc that governors, mayors and health department bureaucrats will still be creating in our lives after the clock turns 2021, we are facing some daunting challenges from Washington, D.C. >>> H.R. 666(6) is looming in Congress which would open up all aspects of our daily lives to be tracked and traced by a medical Gestapo, all “for our safety” of course. >>> The beleaguered commercial airlines may be forced to mandate the rushed COVID vaccine for passengers as a condition of getting future bailout cash. >>> Janet Yellen could be back in the fold at the Treasury Department, just in time to throw her weight around to interfere with the Audit the Fed bill. >>> An even more aggressive CDC will be targeting states like Florida and South Dakota that have less burdensome restrictions. >>> A proposed Biden policy is to have a “100-day nationwide mask mandate,” with no thought put into how it would be enforced. And these are just some of the plans we’ve heard. You can bet the collectivists, led by their new heroes Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates, have a few more tricks up their sleeves they’ve been saving. Nobody elected Fauci and Gates, but somehow, they get to act as health despots and demand that businesses be ordered to close and our daily lives come to a halt . . . and wait until 2022 for “normal.” Patriot, what’s even worse is those two have been wrong over and over again about this virus but face no consequences for their actions. Renew your support today for 2021! A rushed donation of $35, $50, or even $100 will give Campaign for Liberty the boost we need going into next year. The fears over this virus have cleared the way for a power grab so reckless it seems to have no standards whatsoever. We keep hearing “follow the science, follow the science,” but when the “science” tells us it’s time to open schools back up because children have not been proven to be a spreader of COVID-19, governors just ignore it! Children all across the country have been forced back in to “distance learning” after that experiment failed miserably the first time around. Meanwhile working parents are facing the tough choice of cutting back on their work hours because children are being locked out of their schools once again. When will this madness stop? Only when we stop letting them get away with it. I’m optimistic that when state legislatures begin to get back to work in 2021 they will listen to their constituents and roll back the emergency powers of their governors. . . . . . but only if you and I FORCE them to. We cannot live in a permanent emergency. Please renew your support for 2021 immediately! A donation of $35, $50, or even $100 will keep Campaign for Liberty on the front lines of the fight against this rapidly spreading tyranny. The unprecedented expansion of collectivism from coast to coast in 2020 cannot go unchecked in 2021. Many people have fought back, including business owners in some of the most impacted industries like restaurants and gyms, but many more will need to risk everything in order to get their local governments to back down. We have the data and information to nullify all the lockdowns and mandates, but it’s a matter of getting the general public to look past the fear tactics and see the light. We’ll be working hard throughout 2021 to bring back some sanity into this debate and distance ourselves from the corona bullies. ![]() You and I know it’s all about control. And you and I can put up the fight to stop these out-of-control politicians. From my family to yours, please enjoy the rest of this holiday season and we look forward to getting back to normal in 2021 – no matter what Fauci and Gates have to say about it. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul, M.D. Chairman P.S. We are really counting on some great patriots to come through and renew for 2021 now! We are planning to engage in some big battles but need the financial resources to make it possible. Your donation of $35, $50, or more will keep Campaign for Liberty on the frontlines fighting these battles in 2021, because we do not retreat! |