From Julia DeGraw <[email protected]>
Subject Speak up for clean energy!
Date December 16, 2020 11:00 PM
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Dear John,

The 2020 election made one thing clear: Oregonians overwhelmingly voted in support of climate action. Across the state, voters elected pro-climate candidates and re-elected climate champions. Now, as we move toward the 2021 Legislative Session, we need to make sure that we keep the momentum going!

This Friday, lawmakers will be holding a public hearing to discuss 100% Clean Energy for All, a proposal for the 2021 Legislative Session. 100% Clean Energy for All would transition Oregon away from fossil fuels and to 100% clean energy—like solar, wind, and geothermal—within the next two decades. This particular proposal has strong labor standards and is being led by frontline communities across Oregon—rural and coastal communities, low-income communities, and Black, Indigenous, and other people of color—who have come together to ensure that those hit hardest by climate change can benefit the most from the opportunities created by 100% clean energy.

Seven states and nearly 210 cities have already committed to similar proposals, making plans to transition to 100% clean energy by 2050 or earlier. Now it’s Oregon’s turn to do our part! Instead of turning to fossil fuels like natural gas to power our electric grids, it’s time to move beyond fossil fuels and power our buildings and electric vehicles with clean energy. Send an email to your lawmakers to let them know that you support 100% Clean Energy in 2021 [[link removed]]!

It’s more important than ever to keep the spotlight on climate action. We’re already seeing the devastating effects of climate change here in Oregon—extreme wildfires uprooting families; prolonged droughts harming Oregon’s farms and vineyards; ocean acidification damaging the oyster and crab industries on the coast; and summer heatwaves putting farmworkers and low-income families at risk. The good news is that there’s still time to prevent the worst effects—but we need to act now. Please email your lawmakers and let them know you support clean energy!

The sooner we act on climate and reduce Oregon's greenhouse gas emissions, the brighter the future will be for the communities most at risk. The people hardest hit by the climate crisis—low-income communities and communities of color—can least afford to deal with the effects of climate change, and have contributed to it the least.

Transitioning to clean energy would not only reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, it would also help rebuild our economy, creating new jobs in the clean energy sector that would help support local families. Let’s make sure that lawmakers move forward with a 100% clean energy bill that has good labor standards and prioritizes frontline communities [[link removed]].

Throughout the U.S., 1 in 3 people already live in a city or state committed to 100% clean energy: let’s make sure that Oregon is next! Please send an email to lawmakers before the public hearing on Tuesday, and let them know you support a clean energy future for Oregon [[link removed]]!

Thank you,
Julia DeGraw
Coalition Director, OLCV


Oregon League of Conservation Voters
321 SW 4th Ave Ste 600
Portland, OR 97204
United States

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