BREAKING: Life IS Winning in America!

Dear John,
This afternoon, I had the privilege of attending an event with Vice President Mike Pence called Life Is Winning to celebrate all the accomplishments in the pro-life movement over the past four years.
And I assure you—none of these incredible accomplishments would have happened without you. Through your biblical citizenship, you have faithfully voted for pro-life leaders, advocated for pro-life laws through our Action Center, and supported mothers and babies in your own communities.
By God’s grace, and because of you, the list of accomplishments Vice President Pence and other leaders in the Trump Administration were able to share was a long one. Here are just a few examples:
- President Trump became the first sitting president in U.S. history to speak at the March for Life, stating: “Every child is a precious and sacred gift from God.”
- President Trump appointed more than 220 conservative judges and justices, including Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who will uphold our God-given liberties–including the right to life.
- President Trump, with Vice President Pence casting the deciding vote in the Senate, passed a law to allow every state to defund Planned Parenthood, and the President also issued a rule to prevent taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood through federal family planning grants.
- The Trump Administration has taken many steps to protect healthcare professionals or faith-based employers like Little Sisters of the Poor from being forced to participate in or provide coverage for abortions.
- President Trump’s Department of Health and Human Services ended federal research using fetal tissue from abortions.
- And so much more!
These are amazing accomplishments, and I am rejoicing with you! But, most importantly, Vice President Pence reminded us today of why we work so hard together to advance the dignity and worth of every human life in culture, law, policy, and elections:
He who said before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. This is about life. We do well in this movement to always remind ourselves that when we make the cause for life our cause, we make His work on this earth our very own. So do not grow weary in doing well because in the last four years we’ve shown when men and women of faith and conviction come together to stand up for the unborn and to speak out for the voiceless, life can win in America, and with your help and God’s help life will keep on winning in the United States of America.
Indeed. We are in the pro-life movement not for political wins for their own sake—but because the value of every human life made in the image of God is at stake.
President Trump’s press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, also joined us at the event. She shared how the cause for life has become even more near and dear to her heart as a new mom this year. It was a powerful moment when she said: “This is not about a woman’s right to choose. It is about a human being’s right to live.” We are image-bearers of the living God, and that must mean something in America’s law and culture.
At the end of the event, Tom McClusky, the Vice President of Government Affairs for our friends at March for Life, presented a letter to Vice President Pence thanking him and President Trump for all their work advancing the right to life over the past four years. The letter was signed by over 70 organizations, including Family Policy Alliance.
I hope you’ll join us in “not growing weary in doing good,” because we have much work to do advancing the cause of life in 2021!
I will end this letter to you with the encouraging words Vice President Pence shared with me today: “We will see the sanctity of life restored to the center of American law in our time.”
For all created in His image,
 Craig DeRoche President and CEO