Dear CV Friend,
So... is it over?
Is Biden inevitable?
Short answer: no. But we’ve got to be ready for anything.
The electoral college has voted. And so --
on paper -- Joe Biden is now “president-elect.” But that means nothing until the votes cast by the electoral college are opened
by a joint session of Congress on January 6 in a constitutional process overseen by the Vice President.
Tens of millions of Americans continue to
have serious questions about the legitimacy of the November elections. Which is why the Trump legal team continues to pursue every legal remedy
available. Without confidence in our electoral process, the stability of our country is at risk.
CV is 100% supportive of the ongoing effort to
uncover any fraud, verify that ballots were properly counted, and investigate credible claims of irregularities testified to by hundreds of
legally-sworn affidavits.
These efforts MUST NOT STOP.
THINK ABOUT IT: The answer to these questions is bigger than Donald
Trump. Win or lose, we deserve answers. After all, Nancy Pelosi has called Justice Barrett “illegitimate.” Joe Biden has a cloud ten
times as dark hanging over his head.
Meanwhile, we’ve been busy...
- This Saturday we will lead a large pro-life rally outside Planned
Parenthood in Marietta, GA. We’re expecting a big crowd to sing Christmas carols and to rally their fellow citizens with calls and texts to
insure every Georgia voter knows what is at stake. We’re proud to announce that pro-life leaders Abby Johnson and
Alveda King will join us to rally the vote!
- Our
dedicated field teams that you supported in FL, MI and PA are now making calls to Catholics in Georgia. Nearly 300 volunteers in these swing states
are channeling their frustrations over the November election, and are extra motivated to turn out the Catholic vote in GA. We expect to make nearly
100k personal phone calls and send 300k text messages in the next three weeks!
- We’ve filmed 3 explosive new ads for Catholic voters. The ads will target smartphones across Georgia up through Jan 5.
CV Champions get the first sneak peek!
- CV Legal is stepping on the gas with our pro-life litigation program. Remember, we didn’t work this
hard to confirm Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Barrett for nothing. We have a clear pro-life majority on the Court -- and we are helping
support one of the biggest challenges to Roe v. Wade in the country.
- Lastly, despite the difficulties surrounding the presidential
election, there are many good things to celebrate. Our research arm is now working on a new study with Hispanic voters to better understand what
motivated them to swing in huge numbers for Trump. We are also doing a deep dive on what happened with the Catholic vote. And we’ll share it
all with you soon.
Our urgent priorities: 1) Get to the bottom of what happened in November, 2) win both Georgia Senate seats
and, whatever the presidential result, ensure we have a firm firewall against any reckless new schemes like packing the Court, 3) most important of
all: remain faithful Catholics, forging ahead with our important work in the face of any outcome.
And this is just the start.
We’re also working on one of the most exciting projects in CV history -- set to launch early next year!
We can’t thank you enough.
Keep on
praying and fighting.