Dear Friends,
These are dark and difficult times, especially for the animals that we all care about so much.
While this past year was one of SHARK’s greatest in the sheer scope and success of our campaigns to save lives, we took a crippling blow financially. This blow wasn’t just due to lack of donations generally, but for the loss of our Sprinter van, which was the base of operations for so many of our victories for animals.
SHARK is unique in the animal protection movement in that we are absolute in our focus on saving lives. We do not throw away your donations on marketing firms and slick advertisements or TV ads and parties. When not on the killing fields, we work out of our own homes so we have no expensive rent to pay. At the same time our investigators, all of whom have put their lives at risk on more than one occasion for the animals, will never get bloated six-figure salaries and golden parachute benefit packages. As for myself, not only have I never taken a penny from SHARK, but I have poured a great deal of my own money into the organization because, like the SHARK team, I believe in our mission.
I wish I didn’t have to come to you and ask for your help. In a perfect world, we would be judged solely based on our many victories for animals and we would never lack for funding. We all know, however, that is not how the world works. Far too often support is given for flash rather than effect. We may not be flashy, but when you look into the eyes of the tens-of-thousands of lives we saved this past year alone, we are damn effective.
In addition to the tens of thousands of lives we saved, we also saved individual animals, like this sweet dog we named Penny. We found her abandoned on a highway during one of our missions in KY. She was scared, sick and injured and now she is thriving in a loving home
If you have already given to us, we sincerely thank you. If you cannot spare any money, then please help us by sharing our work. We know there are many philanthropists and celebrities who would gladly join and support SHARK if they but knew of who we are and what we do.
Please take this email and share it as far and wide as you can. Please send it to anyone you know who loves animals and wants to see real victories for them, not just empty and false promises.
As always, the lives we save are the lives you save.
Steve Hindi
President, SHARK
Please forward this alert to everyone you know, especially those who have money to invest in compassion and ending cruelty. Send them our 2020 Year-End video, 2019 Year-End video, 2018 Year-End video and our 2020 Year in Review mailer so that they can see for themselves how highly effective SHARK is for the animals. Year after year - decade after decade - SHARK gets done what others won't do.
In the past few years alone we have shut down multiple pigeon shoots, including one in Alabama and US Senator Jim Inhofe's annual pigeon shooting fundraiser. In Maryland we not only helped ban pigeon shoots, but our dramatic video of cow nose ray killing contests spurred legislation banning that as well. You can read about more of our victories for animals HERE.
The following are some of our victories from this year:
Our campaign that shutdown a dozen canned hunts saved tens of thousands of lives, including thousands of innocent ducks
Our investigators risked their safety by going undercover at criminal cockfighting operations. Thanks to their hard work, we shut down ten of these disgusting fighting pits - more than any other animal group has done
We used our drones to film the heart-breaking plight of hundreds of dogs imprisoned at horrible beagle breeding facilities. Our work was so strong that it inspired legislation in Virginia to stop this cruelty
All the other animal organizations have either ignored or sold out pigeons used for live shoots, but not SHARK. We are the ONLY group that still fights for these terribly abused animals. We will never stop fighting for them
Please click the banner below to donate to SHARK

• The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of your purchase to SHARK. It's free and easy and another way for you to help us help animals! Select Showing Animals Respect and Kindness and then when you purchase items on Amazon, log in at http://smile.amazon.com.
• You can also donate to us through the PayPal Giving Fund
• Purchase SHARK shirts, cups, bags and more at our Cafe Press store.
Kindest Regards,
Steve Hindi and Your SHARK Team