No one can defend boiling birds alive.
As someone who negotiates with huge companies to defend animals, I’ve heard all the excuses. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve listened to wealthy executives defend animal cruelty.
But one thing stops them in their tracks.
No one can defend boiling birds alive.
This horrific fate is suffered by thousands of frightened chickens every week, in what’s known as the “live-shackle slaughter” process. This week, Whole Foods Market became the first national retailer to firmly commit to transitioning all of its major suppliers away from this brutal slaughter method. That’s huge.
When I met with Whole Foods Market, one thing was clear: They could see the writing on the wall. They could see thousands of THL supporters like you taking action for animals. They knew you’d never give up. And while you’ve been signing petitions, donating, and calling out companies that boil birds alive, our negotiators have been working relentlessly behind the scenes. Together, we make a formidable team.
Today’s victory will spare birds like these from spending their final moments painfully hanging upside down, enduring broken limbs, and facing the threat of being boiled to death.
That’s thanks to you, and to the efforts of our colleague organizations who are campaigning alongside us.
This is just the beginning. Our behind-the-scenes negotiations continue. Every day, I see signs that more companies are willing to work with us to unravel decades of the most brutal cruelty imaginable. If Whole Foods Market saw the writing on the wall, other corporations will, too. What we’re doing is working.
Until all animals are safe from this nightmare, we’ll never give up this fight. And I know you won’t, either. Thank you for fighting with us.
For the animals,
Beth Anne Hendrickson
Manager of Corporate Relations
P.S. This is a historic moment. Thanks to your support, every year tens of millions of animals will be spared the very worst cruelty in slaughterhouses. This gives me hope that one day we will end live-shackle slaughter once and for all.
P.P.S. For more details on this huge win and what it means for animals, jump over to our blog or join the conversation on Facebook!