Jon Tester isn’t your typical politician, folks.

He wears dirt-stained t-shirts on a regular basis. He gets a $12 haircut. He still lives and works on his family farm.

He first ran for office because he saw people in power prioritizing wealthy special interests over his neighbors. No one thought about the dirt farmer struggling to put food on the table or the single mom working two jobs just to get by.

Now, he’s refused to let Washington change him and spends every day fighting to make sure our government works for people like you — not corporations, lobbyists, or dark money groups writing campaign checks.

That’s why we rely on grassroots supporters chipping in $10 or $25 when you can. We have a big fundraising deadline coming up tonight and could really use your help to meet our $10,000 goal.

If you can, will you donate $10 now? Anything you can give will help us meet our critical mid-month goal and keep Jon fighting in the Senate.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for pitching in. We’re going to keep working hard for folks across the country, and Jon’s proud to have you on the team.

— Team Tester