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Image of workers at a solar site planting pollinator-friendly plants

Dear John,

As 2020 comes to a close, I am energized by the prospect of a fresh national clean energy platform that reinforces what Fresh Energy, with your support, has been working so hard for here in Minnesota: achieving a 100% clean energy economy and net-zero emissions by no later than 2050.

Fresh Energy is prepared and ready to meet this moment head on. As COVID-19 continues and our state and nation move forward in a new era, we are here for you and all Minnesotans with a bold new vision that centers equity and fast action for carbon reduction.

John, your commitment is so important for Minnesota’s clean energy future. Will you join us and make a gift to Fresh Energy to ensure we will continue to be here for Minnesota, for climate, and the green recovery?

With your support, we moved the needle on carbon reductions and energy equity in 2020 by:

  • Cutting carbon through regulatory action to close and limit the use of Minnesota’s largest coal plants. Changes led by Fresh Energy in 2020 will result in 21 million fewer tons of carbon being released into the atmosphere by 2022.
  • Successfully advocating for utility customers, achieving a 23% increase in investments in programs serving under-resourced and rental households in Minnesota, and other COVID-19-era protections.
  • Shaping economic recovery investments to be focused on the clean energy transition. At both the legislature and the regulatory arena, we set the stage for economy-stimulating funding that creates equitable jobs while also reducing carbon pollution in our communities.

When you give now, you will help Fresh Energy drive state policy and regulatory work, build out a clean energy economy, reduce the energy burden on Minnesota households, and more. 

Please donate today and join Fresh Energy to lead Minnesota toward a just, prosperous, resilient clean energy future.


Michael Noble 
Executive Director
P.S. Curious about the clean energy outlook for the 2021 session of the Minnesota Legislature? I sat down with our Public Affairs team last week to discuss committee appointments, clean transportation, building decarbonization and more! Listen to our conversation on "Decarbonize: The Clean Energy Podcast."

P.P.S. We apologize if your gift and this email have crossed paths—we appreciate your support!


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