4 Million went on #ClimateStrike, now join a National organizing call to find out how you can stay involved


Yesterday as I walked through lower Manhattan with hundreds of thousands of Climate Strikers, I was moved to tears by our collective beauty and power.

Then I watched as photos and videos from across from Karachi to Kampala streamed in as 4 million people walked out of their jobs, schools, and homes in response to the call from youth organizers. The Global Climate Strike is already the biggest distributed climate mobilization ever. And we are just getting started. 

We will be building on the momentum from the strikes to end the age of fossil fuels - and we need your help. Tomorrow evening, join our mass call with MoveOn, Future Coalition, Our Children's Trust and other movement partners at 8:30 ET and learn about next steps to stay involved.

We have been fighting alongside the student leaders and organizers of the US Climate Strike to push the climate crisis into the center of the 2020 debate and propel the bold vision of the Green New Deal in Congress and across the country.

Then on October 3rd, join 350's National Organizing Call: We Are Unstoppable, to get plugged into our campaigns and local organizing. 

The Global Climate Strikes kicked off a week of action in which more than 5,800 events will take place in 163 countries across the world. Over 7,370 websites shut down and around 3,000 companies closed their doors in support of people striking. There are still more actions to come - check out our map to see if there's one happening near you. 

We have already shown that we are prepared to take action. Now our governments need to follow through to act at the source of the flames that are engulfing our planet: fossil fuels. And they must prove their intentions in concrete terms: What are their plans for phase out coal, oil, and gas production? When are their deadlines and how will they fund the transition so it's fair for everyone?

There is no more time to lose. We must start implementing the changes we need to tackle the climate crisis and create a better world. This will be the most challenging time of our lives but the strikes yesterday give us hope for not just survival, but the opportunity to thrive.

We’ve seen the power of a multiracial, multi-generational movement taking action and we want to keep organizing for the long haul with you. Make sure you join our mass call tomorrow at 8:30 PM ET.

Until we win,

350.org is building a global climate movement. You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and text 350 to 83224 to get important mobile action alerts. Become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing. Looking for other ways to get involved? Check out our map to see if there's a local 350 group or event near you.

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