
COVID-19 cases are rising, hospitals are running out of beds, small businesses are struggling to keep their doors open, and families are going hungry.

All the while, Washington Republicans have stalled progress and left vulnerable Americans to fend for themselves. As we quickly approach the holidays and senators prepare to head home, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is sabotaging bipartisan negotiations.

This foot-dragging has gone on for far too long, while Americans have paid the price. Add your name and tell McConnell to deliver a COVID-19 relief bill NOW — before the Senate heads home.


If Republicans fail to come to the bargaining table and pass something, hundreds of thousands of unemployed people and their families will face even worse struggles come the day after Christmas.

We can't let McConnell and the GOP get away with leaving workers and families a lump of coal this holiday season as the Trump administration sits back and does nothing to help.

Add your name now, and tell Leader McConnell to deliver a relief bill immediately.

Thank you for making your voice heard,

Michigan Dems

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This email was sent by Michigan Dems, Building a Stronger Michigan

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