
2020 has been a challenging year…but filled with silver linings. And the biggest? The long and thrilling list of victories we won together for Texas’ freedoms, families, faith, and our Christian values in Texas.

That list, however, starts with you. Every victory was made possible by you––your activism, your prayers, your financial support.

I am excited to announce several of our generous supporters are pledging a $65,000 Matching Challenge to ensure we finish 2020 strong with the resources needed for the battles ahead in 2021.

Help us take full advantage of this challenge so that every gift is DOUBLED >>CLICK HERE To DOUBLE Your Tax-Deductible Gift.

I invite you to watch our new 2020 Highlight Video to learn how your support is making an impact:

As I hope you saw in the video, when churches, families, and the unborn needed us––we showed up in 2020

And I can promise you our Texas Values team is committed as ever to keep showing up in 2021 so we can advance biblical values across Texas!

These last days of the year are extremely important for Texas Values, as our budget depends on receiving a significant portion of our support by December 31.

I hope you’ll take heart at what we accomplished together in a year of historic trials. Please be encouraged––and emboldened to stand for Texas yet again with a tax-deductible gift

2020 is a testimony of God’s grace and the power of standing together. Please help us keep fighting for you and your family in 2021!


Jonathan Saenz
President, Texas Values

P.S. Did you know that donating appreciated securities you’ve owned for at least a year, including stock and mutual funds, can be a more tax-effective way to make a gift to Texas Values? Learn more about stock donations and other enhanced giving options.

900 Congress Ave. Suite L115 | Austin, TX 78701 | 512.478.2220

Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Copyright © 2020 Texas Values, All rights reserved.
