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On a landmark night for the Edward M. Kennedy Institute, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo were honored with the Institute’s Award for Inspired Leadership on Wednesday, December 9, for their ongoing efforts to shepherd their states through the COVID-19 pandemic.
The event, 
titled “A Celebration of Inspired Leadership,” marked the first time that the Institute has named multiple recipients for the leadership award, and this year not just one sitting governor but a bipartisan pair. “It’s especially noteworthy this year that we are honoring the work of both a Democrat [Cuomo] and a Republican [Baker],” said Annual Event Co-Chair Anne Finucane, vice chair of Bank of America. “I have little doubt that Senator Kennedy is thrilled.’’ New Institute Board member Martin Luther King III co-chaired the event, and Institute President Vicki Kennedy and Board Chair Bruce Percelay joined Finucane and King to introduce the governors.
In a conversation moderated by NBC News White House Correspondent Kristen Welker, both governors spoke of the late senator as a model and inspiration for the enormous public health operations –– and hard choices on pandemic precautions –– they have pursued to keep their residents safe. “The approach that Senator Kennedy took to his work, which was to build coalitions, find common ground, and move the ball, is exactly the way good policy and good government happens,’’ Baker said.
Cuomo, sitting before an American flag presented to him by Senator Edward M. Kennedy that flew over the Capitol the day of his Senate confirmation as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in 1997, said “I miss Senator Ted Kennedy. I miss his leadership. I miss his spirit. I miss his personality. I miss his record of accomplishment. I miss his laugh. I miss his personal touch, the charisma, and the inspiration. He was inspirational as a government leader.”
You may view the conversation here, and a gallery of news coverage of this historic event may be found

Greetings to you all,
As we celebrate the holiday season, the Kennedy Institute’s staff continue to deliver innovative educational programming and topical conversations with key stakeholders –– all while encouraging active participation in our democracy and striving to become a more engaged citizenry.
Before last month’s general election, the Kennedy Institute teamed up with Global Citizen and HeadCount to launch a new music video as part of the JustVote initiative, a national effort to increase voter participation. It was an exciting opportunity to highlight some of the many issues that were at stake across the nation and provide an artistic interpretation of how Americans can make their voices heard. Be sure to check out the collaborative music video for the song “Keep Marching,” written and performed by Dustin Thomas, a/k/a O LOVER, here.
Aside from voting, there is another way to be civically engaged and it is available right from wherever you live. With the Institute’s continue diverse collection of online Civics at Home resources available to educators, families, students, and lifelong learners, anyone is able to explore topics that interest them, learn more about the legislative process, and find ways to increase civic involvement in communities everywhere.
While educators and families adjust to various academic environments this scholastic year, we are offering distinct activities that connect participants with real-world civic education in an enjoyable and hands-on way either online or through an in-person visit booked ahead of time (
which is available here). In the few short months since it was launched, we are proud to have already welcomed hundreds of students to participate as senators for a day in virtual offerings with our incredibly talented Institute staff members.

Just last week, we had the privilege to present Governor Charlie Baker of Massachusetts and Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York with the Edward M. Kennedy Institute Award for Inspired Leadership during the Annual Event. We are grateful to both of them for joining us as well as to everyone who made it a successful celebration of the Institute and its mission to empower the next generation of leaders. Be sure to read more about the exciting occasion in the special Institute Spotlight section feature above.
With the presidential election concluded and a new session of Congress approaching, we are excited to continue offering timely discussions and unique civic education experiences for all ages to a broader audience than ever before. As we know, civic participation only begins with voting; it is now crucial that we continue our momentum to remain actively engaged in our democracy and make sure our voices continue to be heard.
My best wishes for a safe and healthy season during the holidays and beyond,

Sue Heilman
Interim Executive Director
At the moment, preparations are underway for the Kennedy Institute’s first public programs that will be available in 2021. In the meantime, please stay tuned and check the upcoming programs page on the Institute’s website for any updates.
Concurrently, the Institute has sought to reimagine our popular interactive programs for a virtual landscape. Whether you choose to unpack the Green New Deal, create a pathway to citizenship for immigrants, or consider criminal justice reform, Institute staff look forward to providing unique policy simulations to students in a virtual format. As one teacher said, “It was really great. They were so into it. They absolutely loved it. Afterwards I asked them, should I bring my students next year and they said absolutely! Do it! I think the kids would love to do it again next week!” Booking for virtual field trips is now open from January to June.
Get more details and sign up here.
RECENT EVENTS | catch up on highlights
The Kennedy Institute welcomed Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States Stephen Breyer for a virtual Getting to the Point discussion. The timely conversation with Ari Melber, MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent and host of “The Beat with Ari Melber,” took place three weeks after the passing of his colleague, Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and two weeks into the nomination process to fill her seat on the Supreme Court. In the discussion, Breyer explained his views that overturning precedents should be extremely rare and only when it means "bringing some justice into an area where there [is] no justice,'' and that media tend to overstate the ideological division and conformity on the court. All of the program coverage from C-SPAN, State House News Service, CNN, WBUR, and the Associated Press is available in the Institute’s website newsroom here.
Additionally, the Kennedy Institute had the exciting opportunity this past Fall to convene distinguished authors, academic scholars, and public servants for contemporary programs on the judicial branch, award-winning literature, and civic engagement among younger Bostonians.
  • The Institute hosted the 2020 MAAH Stone Book Award Virtual Event in partnership with the Museum of African American History and the James M. and Cathleen D. Stone Foundation. The award event, which normally takes place in the historic African Meeting House on Beacon Hill, was hosted by WGBH’s Callie Crossley and featured interviews with the Award winners as well as appearances by the dynamic panel of jurors. For more information about the Award — including previous winners and the full list of this year’s 54 submissions — visit the Book Award website here.
  • The Institute partnered with the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce’s next generation program, City Awake, to host Empowering Youth to Vote. The program featured a conversation between Kennedy Institute Board Member and global human rights activist Martin Luther King III and Generation Citizen Board member Courtney Caruso. Speaking to the audience, Mr. King said that “[w]e need far more young people involved, just as we need more women in office, at all levels” and “[e]very election matters because who we choose to represent us is going to determine how resources come into our communities.” Watch the conversation here.
CIVIL DISCOURSE | learn more
This fall, the Kennedy Institute was designated as a verified community contributor on the Across America section of the Patch digital website to share regular updates on civic engagement, elections, governmental procedures, and related topics on the publication nationwide. Discover all of the articles that are currently published here.

YOUR SUPPORT | make a difference
Since opening to the public five years ago, the Institute has consistently offered high-quality interactive programming that combines expert facilitation with the latest technological advances. Our mission to empower the next generation of leaders is more crucial than ever before. Please consider a contribution to support these important efforts that help inspire the next generation of citizens and leaders.
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