I also want to say something to the working people whose lives have been put on hold, who have suffered unthinkable economic hardship in the face of this pandemic: We see you, and we will always fight for you.
Airline workers, hospitality and hotel workers, athletes and actors, theater workers, musicians, recording artists—this has been a very difficult year for you and for your families, and I want to acknowledge your sacrifice and commitment to a better path forward. No recovery is possible without you. And recovery is not some return to normal—it’s a new day and a fairer economy that works for all of us.
There are too many workers to name. But every single one of you has made this country better, and I know we are going to come through the other side of COVID-19 stronger than ever.
This year, I am more thankful than ever for the privilege of representing America’s workers. I am so proud and honored to stand and fight with you. So while this holiday season will be different, let it be the start of a new tradition. One where we recognize the sacrifice and dignity of every worker on every job.
Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or celebrate in your own way, my wish for each of you this holiday season is good health and greater peace of mind.
Together, we will ring in a new year where working people write the next chapter in America’s comeback story.