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Study Bubble Brings Teens Out of Isolation.
Dear Friends,
This fall, the Identity-run Wellness Centers at Gaithersburg and Watkins Mill High Schools opened two study bubbles for 30 struggling students, and they have become one of the bright lights in an otherwise grim school year during the pandemic.  Will you help keep it going?
Every gift makes a difference.

In partnership with the City of Gaithersburg, the first bubble opened in the fall at the Bohrer Park Activity Center with just 6 teens willing to give it a try. Word traveled, and soon it filled to capacity with teens who had serious barriers to success with virtual learning from home. A second location is open at Casey Community Center. In addition to providing a connected learning station for each student, Identity staff are creating a community of  excitement, inspiration and accountability. Students say they are thriving with a regular schedule as they build bonds with each other and really connect to their classes.  Plus, they are engaged in enrichment activities like painting, outdoor recreation and volunteerism.  Most of all, these bubbles bring an incredibly diverse group of young people out of isolation and create a supportive learning community.  Will you help them continue to thrive this school year?

Please donate

During this pandemic - Keep vulnerable students  connected to school, older youth to work and parents able to help them with a gift to Identity. You can donate securely online, or mail a check to Identity, c/o Nonprofit Village, 15800 Crabbs Branch Way, Suite 300, Rockville, MD 20855.

Con gratitud,

Diego Uriburu
Executive Director
Study bubble students help distribute holiday gifts to area families, including one student who volunteered to dress up as a friendly bear for littlest family members.
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c/o Nonprofit Village, 15800 Crabbs Branch Way, Suite 300
Rockville, Maryland 20855

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