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Workers score key wins as DC Council closes out 2020
50 years of Bakery Workers IT
Today's Labor History
Today's Labor Quote
Hiring Hall: DC-area union staff jobs!
TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; [link removed] click here for latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report
[link removed] Understanding Union Representation for Professional Football Players: Mark Hyman in Conversation with Adam Richelieu of the NFLPA: Wed, December 16, 12pm - 1pm
[link removed] Airport Union Caucus: Wed, December 16, 2pm - 3pm
Meeting of unions representing airline and airport workers
[link removed] "Special Challenges facing Women in the Workforce": Wed, December 16, 7pm - 9pm
Sponsored by the Fairfax County Democratic Ctte Labor Committee and the FCDC Women's Committee
[link removed] Fairfax Dems Labor Caucus: Wed, December 16, 7pm - 8pm
Joint program with FCDC Women's Committee on women's issues in the workplace
MoCo/PGCo COPE Mtg: Planning for 2021: Thu, December 17, 10am - 12pm
At this important meeting, we will discuss and lay out the Metro Washington Council's plan for 2021, including the upcoming MD legislative session and the Georgia Senate run-offs.
[link removed] Register in advance here
Union City Radio: Your Rights at Work: Thu, December 17, 1pm - 2pm
WPFW 89.3 FM or [link removed] listen online
This week's guests: Preview the San Francisco Mime Troupe's "A Red Carol" with Music Producer Daniel Savio; Kathy M. Newman on Christmas (and Class) Behind the Scenes, plus music from Charley Pride!
[link removed] Rebuilding Collective Bargaining Back Better (EPI): Thu, December 17, 4:00pm - 5:15pm
Got local labor news? Email it to us today! Send tips, releases or suggestions to us at mailto:
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Workers score key wins as DC Council closes out 2020
Despite the pandemic and business opposition and because of effective work with allies in a year unlike any in living memory, the metro-area labor movement scored two major victories on Tuesday as the DC Council held its last meeting of the year.
The first was the unanimous passage of the "[link removed] Right to Return to Work" bill, which overcame a stealthy but ferocious campaign by the business lobby. "We did it!" tweeted DC Jobs with Justice Organizer Nikko Bilitza after the 13-0 vote. "Thousands of District workers now have hope that they can return to the jobs they once held before this scourge hit us," said UNITE HERE Local 25 Executive Secretary-Treasurer John Boardman.
The second win was the inclusion of an [link removed] amendment that will protect the bargaining rights of employees affected by the creation of the new Department of Buildings, protecting seniority and the ability to organize new workers.
The Metro Council and its affiliates and allies conducted a marathon of lobbying meetings with members of the DC Council last week to ensure the passage of these bills without weakening amendments.
Exhausted but jubilant, Metro Council president Dyana Forester said that "Our work continues," pointing to the stalled legislation introduced by Council Member Silverman which sought to address the lack of collaboration and transparency in DCPS plan's to return to in-person teaching. Forester praised Councilmember Elissa Silverman (I, At-Large) for her strong advocacy on both issues, and thanked outgoing DC Councilmembers David Grosso (D, At-Large) and Brandon Todd (D, Ward 4) for their service. The DC Council will reconvene on January 5th welcoming newly elected council members Christina Henderson (I, At-Large) and Janeese Lewis George (D, Ward 4).
- David Stephen
50 years of Bakery Workers IT
In 1971, a gallon of gas cost 40 cents, Richard Nixon was President and the invention of the microprocessor signaled the start of the digital age. On November 23 of that year, Tommy Nairn went to work for the B&C Funds (part of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union) as one of their first computer operators, and then became a programmer. Fifty years later, he's still there. He's also been a member of OPEIU Local 2 since that first day, has served on the union's bargaining committee and is currently Section Representative for the B&C Funds' IT Department. For half a century, Nairn has maintained the computer system that processes union members' pension and health benefits checks, pension letters and health benefit notices. "The changes in automation of computers and the advancement in technology have been amazing," he says. Even after 50 years, though, Nairn has no plans to retire anytime soon, saying "They will have to carry me out. I love my job."
Today's Labor Quote: Doris Boshart
"We talked about it amongst ourselves all the time. And it just kept growing and growing and we kept getting angrier and angrier."
Boshart was one of the Willmar 8. The first strike against a bank in U.S. history began on this date in 1977 when eight female bank tellers in Willmar, Minnesota walked out because they were paid little more than half what male tellers were paid. The strike ended in moral victory but economic defeat two years later.
Today's Labor History
The National Civic Federation is formed by business and labor leaders, most prominently AFL president Sam Gompers, as a vehicle to resolve conflicts between management and labor. Not all unionists agreed with the alliance. The group turned increasingly conservative and labor withdrew after Gompers' 1924 death - 1900
New York City's Majestic Theater becomes first in the U.S. to employ women ushers (photo) - 1902
The Bagel Bakers of America union is continuing a work slowdown at 32 of New York's 34 bagel bakeries in a dispute over health and welfare fund payments and workplace sanitation, the New York Times reports. Coincidentally -- or not -- lox sales were down 30 percent to 50 percent as well. The effect on the cream cheese market was not reported - 1951
The Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen & Enginemen & Switchmen's Union of North America merge to become United Transportation Union - 1968
- David Prosten
Hiring Hall
Plus dozens more DC-area union jobs; [link removed] click here!
[link removed] Administrative Director, TNG-CWA (The NewsGuild-CWA) (Posted: 12/15/2020)
Information Tech
[link removed] Network Security Analyst - Information Technology, AFL-CIO (Posted: 12/9/2020)
[link removed] Senior Associate/Campaign Support - Membership, Data & Analytics Department, AFT (American Federation of Teachers) (Posted: 12/11/2020)
[link removed] National Negotiator or Assistant Counsel (Negotiations), NTEU (National Treasury Employees Union) (Posted: 12/9/2020)
[link removed] Field Organizer, UE (United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America) (Posted: 12/9/2020)
[link removed] Political Coordinator, ATU (Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 689) (Posted: 12/14/2020)
[link removed] Research Director - Campaigns Research Director, LCV (League of Conservation Voters) (Posted: 12/15/2020)
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source for all news items and as the source for Today's Labor History.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members. DYANA FORESTER, PRESIDENT.
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