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Harrogate Borough Council's practice of reading Christian prayers before meetings is exclusionary to people of other faiths, says Judy Audaer, a member of the National Secular Society's council.
Devastated head teachers, teachers and other education experts have spoken of their anger regarding the Catholic Church's handling of the case of Fr Joseph Quigley, an authority and adviser to bishops on Catholic education, who has been convicted of child sex abuse.
MSPs have approved the principles of controversial hate crime legislation seen as a threat to freedom of speech after the Scottish Government agreed to water it down.
A middle-aged Catholic man who was left in a coma after a cardiac arrest can be allowed to die despite his mother's objections, a High Court judge has ruled. His mother and sisters said that, because of his Catholic beliefs, he would not have wanted his life to be terminated if it could be preserved.
A forthcoming book by Julie Burchill, the writer and newspaper columnist, has been dropped by its publisher after she was accused of being 'Islamophobic' on Twitter.
The Islamic State bride Shamima Begum will be treated as a threat and arrested if she wins her legal battle to return to Britain, the country's top counter-terrorism officer has said.
Hungary amended the definition of family in its constitution Tuesday to allow an effective ban on adoption by same-sex couples, another win for the ruling conservatives but decried by one pro-LGBTQ group as "a dark day for human rights".
An unfathomable mass atrocity is being perpetrated in China. The responsibility for doing something lies with all of us, says chief rabbi Ephraim Mirvis.
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