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DNI Declassifies Handwritten Notes From John Brennan, 2016 CIA Referral On Clinton Campaign’s Collusion Operation
Brennan and the U.S. intelligence community knew months prior to the 2016 election that the collusion smear was the result of a campaign operation hatched by the campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

And not one person ...

Analysist Identifies “Phantom Voters” Used to Dilute Legal Votes in Several States
Fake people who cast votes. In Arizona alone, he identified as many as 300,000 of these voters.

Analysist Identifies “Phantom Voters” Used to Dilute Legal Votes in Several States

By: Dr E, Washington Pundit, December 15, 2020: ...

Azerbaijan breaks ceasefire with Armenia, Erdogan hails leaders of Armenian genocide and ‘Islamic Army of Caucasus’
On Sunday, President Trump issued sanctions on NATO member Turkey for their purchase of Russian military weapons.

Azerbaijan breaks ceasefire with Armenia, Erdogan hails leaders of Armenian genocide and ‘Islamic Army of Caucasus’

By ...

PATHETIC: McConnell congratulates Joe Biden as president-elect
The Republican Party establishment continues to inflict significant damage to the Republican Party, due to their disdain for President Trump and his voters. Every RINO will need to be primaried with pro-Trump candidates in 2022, if the Republican ...

WATCH: Visiting Bahraini Political Analyst Rips Former PA Minister: “We Will Not Listen to Hitler!”
For decades the neo-Nazi Palestinian Authority held veto power over the various Arab countries making peace with Israel. In those same decades the Palestinian Authority created absolutely nothing of value, while Israel became an economic, military, ...

Kemp and Raffensperger “Will Soon be Going to Jail,” PRESIDENT TRUMP Retweets Attorney Lin Wood
Trust Trump.

President Trump @realDonaldTrump is a genuinely good man. He does not really like to fire people. I bet he dislikes putting people in jail, especially “Republicans.”

He gave @BrianKempGA & @GaSecofState every chance to get ...

Dominion Audit: Ballot Error Rate Was At Least 85,000 Times Higher Than FEC Allows
Bad news for Democrat crime syndicate.


Dominion Software INTENTIONALLY Designed to Influence Election Results: Forensics Repor
U.S. Treasury, Commerce Depts., USG Agenices Hacked Through SolarWinds (Dominion IT Provider) ...

WATCH LIVE: Dominion Voting CEO Testifies at Michigan Legislature Hearing

LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: Dominion Voting Systems CEO John Poulos Testifies Before Michigan State Oversight Committee – 1:00 PM ET

Update: He is denying denies and appears not to know what is in his own manuals document. ...

AUDIO MESSAGE: Islamic Group Kidnaps Over 200 Schoolboys at Nigeria School
You can get away with unspeakable crimes against humanity if you are deemed an elite, protected class by the leftist Western media.

Nigeria's Boko Haram behind schoolboys' abduction – audio message MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (Reuters) -A man ...

U.S. Treasury, Commerce Depts., USG Agenices Hacked Through SolarWinds (Dominion IT Provider) Software Backdoor
Communications at the U.S. Treasury and Commerce Departments were reportedly compromised by a supply chain attack on SolarWinds, a security vendor that helps the federal government and a range of Fortune 500 companies monitor the health of their IT ...

As NFL Ratings Crash, Networks Consider Giving Ad Space Away For Free
Who's on their knees now, bruv?

Next, cut those multimillion-dollar salaries. They can put their money where their knees are.

As NFL Ratings Plummet, Networks Consider Giving Ad Space Away For Free

A precipitous drop in ratings for ...

Trump Camp Sending ‘Alternate Slate of Electors’ To Congress
“Today, an alternate slate of electors in the contested states is going to vote, and we’re going to send those results up to Congress.”

Trump Camp Sending ‘Alternate Slate of Electors’ To Congress

By: Natalie Winters, National ...

Subpoenas are being issued in Maricopa County, Arizona to seize ALL of the Dominion systems for a full forensic audit
We have arrived at the tipping point. Ain't no stopping us now.

Great work @AZGOP @RepGosar @kelliwardaz

— Ron (@CodeMonkeyZ) December 15, 2020

“I want voters to be 100% confident, to be as confident as ...

‘Saturday Night Live’ Promotes Jew-Hatred With ‘Joke’ About Lions Getting Coronavirus at Hasidic Wedding
“In the 1930s, the Nazis used typhus prevention as a pretext to confine Jews to ghettos that accelerated the disease’s spread, ensuring it killed as many as possible.”

Same thing all over again…. by the left, again.

‘Saturday ...

The Palestinians Miss Another Chance to Project an Image of Sweet Reasonableness
The attempt by the Palestinians to arrogate to themselves alone the decision as to who can visit, and who is barred, from al-Aqsa, sticks in the craw of the Emiratis, and of other Muslims too. The Palestinians' behavior violates the agreed-upon ...

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