Dear John, As we bring 2020 to a close, we can now say that we look forward to 2021 with renewed optimism —hopeful for a recovery from the pandemic and momentum towards much-needed change. Thank you for standing with NNIRR! Please consider a year-end gift to support our work ahead. Your partnership and solidarity are needed more than ever as we seek vital immigration policy and practice changes under the new Administration. Please read our year end letter and guiding principles for the path forward: Dream. Rise. Organize. While we are optimistic for promised relief for our communities, we remain steadfast in our demands for a recovery inclusive of migrant families and longer-term policy change that centers human rights in all reform efforts. Strengthening grassroots engagement and lifting community voices on needs and aspirations are key to bringing about true relief, progress and rights for all immigrants and refugees. Before the end of the year, we celebrate International Migrants' Day, December 18th. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the UN's International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (commonly referred to as the Migrant Workers Convention or Migrant Rights Convention). We are honoring this day by launching NNIRR's Grassroots Voices on the Borderlands campaign to uplift the voices of the communities on the ground who are experiencing and responding to the impacts of militarization, enforcement, human rights abuses and the attacks on asylum laws. Please help NNIRR bring community voices into the forefront as we move towards instilling a human rights approach in immigration policy and border governance. Spotlight on Human Rights at the Border International Migrants' Day Events | December 18, 2020 - We Didn't Cross the Borders, the Borders Crossed Us: Advocating for Pathways for Regular Migration. A panel discussion organized by the Civil Society Action Committee. Online event: 9:30 am PST —for more information go here
- Human Rights at the Border: A Facebook Live Vigil and discussion on human rights cohosted with NNIRR Co-Director and our partners at Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity (IM4HI). Facebook Live: 10 am PST —join in on NNIRR's Facebook page
- Grassroots Voices on the Borderlands. Stay tuned for NNIRR's campaign launch this Friday, with information on how to engage in our work to uplift communities on the border.
As we look ahead to the new year, we have visions for positive change for human rights and dignity for migrants and refugees. It's time to Dream. Rise. Organize. Join us! - All of us at NNIRR Please consider a contribution to NNIRR. We can't do this without you! |