News from Representative Allred

December 15, 2020

Dear Friend,


It’s been a busy year serving as your Representative. While the pandemic brought new challenges, and changed the way we do many things, my focus has remained the same -- to serve North Texas.

One of the most rewarding parts of my job is helping constituents resolve issues they face with federal agencies. And this year, my office assisted a number of individuals with federal casework. I was able to help recover economic impact payments, assist small businesses in getting federal assistance, help folks navigate the unemployment process, and even help bring some North Texans back from overseas at the start of the pandemic.

The end of this year also marks the end of my first term serving as your Congressman. Check out the graphic below for a glimpse at our first term by the numbers, then keep reading for some legislative highlights. 

You can also check out my full End of Term Report here. 


COVID-19 Relief
The unprecedented economic and public health challenges brought on by the coronavirus pandemic called for sweeping action to help American families and our health care systems. I worked with Republicans and Democrats to pass the Cares Act, a robust, bipartisan economic relief package, providing a historic investment to combat the coronavirus pandemic and support workers and families. The Cares Act created relief programs that were of great assistance to our local economy and I will keep fighting for the relief we need.

COVID-19 Related Casework and Assistance by the Numbers

  • Total Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans in TX-32 under $150,000: $1,580,971,084
  • Total jobs saved thanks to PPP: 156,597
  • Number of Texans helped with unemployment insurance: 375
  • Number of recovered Economic Impact Payments: 116
  • Cases closed on behalf of North Texans during the pandemic: 450

Opening the Garland VA
In April, the North Texas VA acquired the Baylor Scott & White Hospital in Garland, which is now known as the Garland VA Medical Center. I was proud to work with the VA, Baylor, Scott & White, and the City of Garland over the past year and lead the charge in Congress to get this done. The Garland VA is already serving veterans, and in time, it will serve 184,000 veterans and create 5,000 jobs for our region. 


Protecting and expanding health care
The health and safety of North Texans has been my top priority since I came to Congress. This global health crisis has added urgency to the need to expand access to affordable, quality health care. I helped to pass The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act, a bill that would lower costs, further secure protections for people with pre-existing conditions, negotiate lower drug prices and expand coverage. During this pandemic, we need more support for health care, not less. 

Helping the high-speed train project clear federal hurdles
I led a bipartisan effort with other Texas members of the House of Representatives to urge the U.S. Surface Transportation Board’s support for a high-speed rail project from Dallas to Houston. This groundbreaking project will modernize our transportation systems. The high speed rail project will grow our economy, provide sustainable transportation options, and create jobs for our region. 

Passing a job-creating trade deal
Last year, I helped to pass the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), which the President has signed into law. Trade is critical to the North Texas economy and the USMCA will help ensure stability for the businesses in our district, and for the 36,000 workers whose jobs are dependent on trade. 

No matter the issue, I will always put North Texas first. My focus is always on doing what’s right for North Texas families and fighting for our shared values.  

I look forward to another productive Congress and hope you’ll stay connected to my office. My team and I are always here to answer your questions and help with any issues you have with federal agencies. If you would like to contact me, please send an email, or call my office at 972-972-7949. 

I wish you and your family a happy holiday season and a wonderful new year!


Colin Allred
Member of Congress

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