![]() Patriot, The White House was expected to release its plan trying to chart a path forward on what infringements on the Second Amendment could be sold as “reasonable” to President Trump’s base this week. Instead, news reports leaked that Attorney General William Barr was shopping around the framework of Toomey-Manchin’s so-called “Universal Background Check” scheme that would lead to the de facto creation of a nationwide gun registry. And with the House of Representatives poised to try and ram through gun control legislation next week, you and I must act fast to turn up the heat. Sign our petition to tell your U.S. Representative: NO GUN CONTROL DEALS, PERIOD!
By turning up the heat on your U.S. Representatives to keep any House vote close, you and I stand a better chance of stopping weak-kneed U.S. Senators and the Trump administration from acting on any larger gun control deal. After you’ve signed, please forward this petition to your friends and family so we can get as many people signed on as possible. It’s absolutely critical you and I show how strong the opposition is to any gun control deal that’s put forward. Then chip in $7, $10, or even $20 to help Campaign for Liberty mobilize even more Americans to turn up the heat before it’s too late. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman |