Saturday, September 21, 2019

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Corporate Agribusiness Is Blocking Important Action on the Climate

Dan Ross, Truthout

Among all the proposed action plans for tackling climate change, one area has not received the attention it deserves -- corporate agribusiness. The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change points out that industrial farming has resulted in increased greenhouse gas emissions, loss of natural ecosystems and declines in biodiversity. We need to purse regenerative farming practices more aggressively to reduce agribusiness's carbon footprint.
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Trump's Solution to the Homelessness Crisis: Deregulation and Criminalization

Sasha Abramsky, Truthout

To address homelessness in California, Trump has proposed deregulation of the housing market, unleashing police and other law enforcement agencies even more forcefully than it already does against homeless people, and even herding them into government-run "facilities." Housing advocates worry that Trump's proposals would fail to provide meaningful social interventions and investments necessary to address the crisis and make it worse.
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Climate Emergency Declarations Are the First Step. Here's What Comes Next.

Margaret Klein Salamon and Laura Heitman Berry, Truthout

Last week, the climate emergency movement reached a historic milestone as 1,000 state and local governments around the world formally declared a climate emergency. The next step is for governments to mobilize people and resources to facilitate a just transition to a climate-safe economy based on renewable energy alongside a rapid phasing out of fossil fuels.
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Truthout will never trade our integrity for corporate owners or advertisers. Our passion is empowering our readers with information, and our only obligation is to you. To keep up this work, we need to raise $39,000 more in the next 5 days. If you're able to support Truthout's work at this critical time, please make a tax-deductible one-time or monthly donation to help!

Warren Accuses Congress of Complicity in Trump's Continued Abuses

Julia Conley, Common Dreams

Sen. Elizabeth Warren accused the U.S. Congress of complicity in President Donald Trump's continued abuse of power late Friday, after reports surfaced of his alleged attempts to solicit foreign meddling in the 2020 presidential election. Warren reiterated her demand that Democrats use their majority in the House to pursue impeachment.
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Trump to Snub Climate Summit for Religious Freedom Meeting at UN

Oliver Milman, The Guardian

Donald Trump is set to attend the United Nations headquarters during Monday's key summit on the climate crisis -- but will be there to take part in a meeting on religious freedom instead. Leaders from around the world, including the UK prime minister, Boris Johnson; France's president, Emmanuel Macron; and India's prime minister, Narendra Modi, are expected at the UN summit.
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While the Amazon Burns, Brazil's Indigenous Peoples Rise Up

Marina Martinez, Waging Nonviolence

Rather than working for environmental preservation, Jair Bolsonaro, the recently elected president of Brazil, is committed to opening up the Amazon to business. Indigenous Brazilians are now on a mission to remind society that they exist and are battling against the colonial tactics of governments and corporations, which see them -- and the rainforest -- as obstacles to economic development.
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Low-Wage Workers Gather to Build Power Across Sectors in the South

Rebekah Barber, Facing South

Over 120 low-wage workers convened in Durham, North Carolina, on September 14, for the Worker Power Summit hosted by NC Raise Up/Fight For $15. It billed itself as the first regional convening of low-wage workers from all sectors of the economy. The summit drew many veteran leaders in the Fight For $15 movement and discussed the power of organizing in the South.
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Removing the Profit From Our Pills: The Case for a Public Pharma System

Fran Quigley, Faith in Healthcare

Any American who has paid the price of a patent-protected medicine knows the core flaw in the U.S. prescription drug system: Our elected leaders have handed over control to profit-hungry corporations. A report by the Next System Project shows how a publicly-owned pharmaceutical sector can provide vital safety and health services with greater accountability and support better health outcomes.
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In Case You Missed It

Trump Cuts Emissions Standards While Accusing Homeless People of "Polluting"

William Rivers Pitt, Truthout

What we are confronted with now is beyond strange. The policy bowl of rancid jellybeans was overflowing again this past week when following a secretive fundraiser in San Francisco, Trump bizarrely announced that the Environmental Protection Agency would issue the city a violation because its homeless population was polluting the oceans by dropping needles in storm drains. Then he announced he was revoking California's auto emissions standards.
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Disabled People Cannot Be "Expected Losses" in the Climate Crisis

Julia Watts Belser, Truthout

The structural barriers that disability communities face every day become a matter of life or death during disaster. If we persist in framing disability and climate change as a problem of physical vulnerability, we miss the underlying realities of structural violence. Working for climate justice requires challenging the root causes of vulnerability, rather than treating disabled people as inevitable casualties of climate change.
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