From Team Moran <[email protected]>
Subject Help Jerry Save the Senate
Date December 15, 2020 7:30 PM
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We are at a critical crossroads for our Country. If we lose the Senate majority, there will be severe consequences.

Jerry Moran is working to uphold conservative values in Washington, but we need you to help out two fellow Senators who are fighting to do the same in Georgia!

Will you join us? [[link removed]]

give $25 to save the senate [[link removed]]

GIVE $50 TO SAVE THE SENATE [[link removed]]

GIVE $100 TO SAVE THE SENATE [[link removed]]

GIVE $200 TO SAVE THE SENATE [[link removed]]

We can't keep the Senate majority without your help. Chip in today to keep conservative values a priority in Washington! [[link removed]]

Thank you,

Team Moran

Paid for by Moran for Kansas, Inc. UNSUBSCRIBE [link removed]
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