Tell your senators to reject COVID-19 lawsuit immunity for businesses
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Fight for: Public Health and Safety
Tell your senators to put people before profit and reject business immunity
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Isidro's managers at Tyson told workers to show up even if they were experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. Managers bet money on how many employees would test positive for the virus — now, Isidro is dead.

Placing profits above people, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is holding desperately needed state and local COVID relief hostage unless lawmakers agree to shield businesses like Tyson from responsibility. If McConnell has his way, Isidro's family — alongside so many other grieving families — will never see justice... and more workers will die at the hands of their employers.

Tell your senators to oppose any legislation that provides businesses with immunity from COVID-19 lawsuits NOW.

Positivity rates are spiraling out of control nationwide — and Congress must do all it can to protect the health and safety of people who have been hardest hit by this pandemic, including Black and Brown people, women, immigrants, seniors, people with disabilities, and others.

If employers are granted immunity, they will have no incentive to do everything they can to protect the safety of their workers and consumers. Business immunity would wipe out pending cases from grieving families of workers and nursing home residents who have died from COVID-19, bar OSHA, individual states, and the Biden administration from enforcing workplace protections... and it would create immunity for violations of federal civil rights and worker protection laws, flying in the face of our highest ideals.

This type of immunity provision is unacceptable. Tell your senators to put people over profit, and reject any attempts to give businesses immunity from COVID-19 lawsuits.

Raise your voice for essential workers all across the country, and demand your senators do the same.

—The Leadership Conference

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