From Amy Goodman <[email protected]>
Subject Urgent message from Amy Goodman
Date December 15, 2020 4:59 PM
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Your gift today will go 3x as far!

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** Dear Friend,
Access to accurate information saves lives.

That's why Democracy Now! works day and night to bring you the latest news on the COVID-19 pandemic, the climate crisis, healthcare, gun control, the fight for racial and economic justice, war and peace and so much more.

But we can't do our work without your support.

Right now a generous donor will TRIPLE your gift to Democracy Now!, making your tax-deductible donation three times as valuable.

Please click here to donate to Democracy Now! and triple your impact. ([link removed])

Your donation today—before midnight tonight—will be triple matched through this special offer. But don't delay!
* Your donation of $75 today is worth $225 to Democracy Now! ([link removed])
* Your donation of $150 today is worth $450 to Democracy Now! ([link removed])
* Your donation of $375 today is worth $1,125 to Democracy Now! ([link removed])
* And if you stretch to $2,000, ([link removed]) Democracy Now! will receive $6,000 ([link removed]) to bring you hard-hitting independent journalism throughout the year.

This is a difficult time for us all, but if you're able support Democracy Now! with a donation, please do so today. ([link removed])

The hunger for independent news has never been greater.

Since the pandemic broke out in the United States, our website traffic has gone through the roof, showing us just how much people rely on our fearless, truth-seeking, independent journalism.

Yesterday, we interviewed epidemiologist Dr. Camara Phyllis Jones about racial and economic equity in the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. Dr. Jones said that communities of color with high rates of COVID-19 should get consideration for early access, along with frontline healthcare workers and residents of nursing homes.
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“I think that CDC got it right partially in terms of those overexposed because of their work or their living conditions, but they did not include our brothers and sisters in prisons, jails, detention centers, and they did not include those of us who are more exposed and less protected in our work,” said Dr. Jones.

Help us continue airing interviews like this one by making your donation today. ([link removed])

We're committed to airing the voices of people on the frontlines, including healthcare workers, scientists, organizers and activists, who are telling the truth about what's happening on the ground—and saving lives.

We recently looked at the growing global hunger crisis amid the pandemic, the climate crisis and war. In the United States, as many as 50 million people could experience food insecurity before the end of the year, including one in four children.
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“It’s important to remember that hunger does not always happen because of natural disasters,” said Ricardo Salvador, director of the Food and Environment Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists. “It is often the result of things that we do to each other deliberately.”

If issues like hunger and economic justice are important to you, please contribute to Democracy Now! today. ([link removed])
Remember, your tax-deductible donation today will be worth THREE TIMES as much, so please be as generous as you can.

Democracy Now! airs the stories you won't hear on the corporate networks.

Every year, Democracy Now! goes to the U.N. climate summit, from Paris to Durban, South Africa, from Peru to Morocco. This year, the summit was virtual because of the pandemic.

Seventeen-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg released a video prior to the summit saying much more needs to be done to combat the climate crisis. We broadcast her speech on Democracy Now!
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"Five years ago, world leaders signed the Paris Agreement, and they promised to keep the global average temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius. Since then, a lot has happened, but the action needed is still nowhere in sight. We are still speeding in the wrong direction," Greta asserted.

"But I’m telling you, there is hope ... Once we become aware, then we can act. Then change will come. This is the solution. We are the hope. We, the people," she said.

If issues like the climate crisis are important to you, m ([link removed]) ake your gift right now to support Democracy Now! ([link removed])

Independent journalism is one of the most powerful tools we have in society.

You turn to Democracy Now! because we go to where the silence is and shine a spotlight on corporate and government abuses of power.

We turn to you to help us keep going strong.
And that's why we're asking for your donation today, when we need it most. ([link removed])

With your support ([link removed]) , Democracy Now! is training the next generation of independent journalists through our internship and fellowship programs. Our education program—which has gone virtual because of the pandemic—teaches hundreds of students about fearless, truth-seeking journalism in this time of disinformation and lies.

All of this is only possible with your financial support.

You can click here to donate right now ([link removed]) , or call us at 1-888-999-3877 (toll free in U.S.) or +1-212-431-9090 (dial 2).

We encourage you to make a donation online at this time, given our remote work and the possibility of mail delays due to the pandemic. If you strongly prefer to donate by mail, please send your gift to:

Democracy Now!
P.O. Box 1838
New York, NY 10113

Thank you for making Democracy Now! what it is today—and what it can be tomorrow.

Stay safe. Wear a mask. Save lives.

** Amy Goodman
P.S. This triple match won’t last long! Please donate today—we're counting on you. ([link removed])

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