I’ve got two words for you, John -- impeach Kavanaugh.
Last year, the Republican Senate ignored the will of the people and confirmed Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court -- despite his extreme partisan behavior, his multiple allegations of sexual assault, and the clear threat he poses to the most basic rights of the American people, especially those most marginalized.
And last weekend, The New York Times reported on new allegations of Kavanaugh’s sexual misconduct. Reporters uncovered that he lied under oath about the serious claims made against him, and discovered that the investigation into those allegations was a complete sham.
We believe Christine Blasey Ford. We believe Deborah Ramirez. And it is our responsibility to collectively affirm the dignity and humanity of survivors. For the sake of our democracy, the pursuit of justice, and the rights of women -- Brett Kavanaugh must be impeached.
That’s why DFA-endorsed representative and Squad-member Ayanna Pressley introduced a resolution last week to begin an immediate impeachment inquiry into Brett Kavanaugh.
If you’re as enraged as I am, sign on as a Citizen Co-Sponsor of Ayanna’s resolution and demand Congress begin impeachment proceedings against Brett Kavanaugh:
Thank you, and keep up the fight.
Yvette Simpson, CEO
Democracy for America