I am so proud to be running for the U.S. Senate in North Carolina! After nearly six years in the House, I am ready to serve the good people of the Tar Heel State and all of America in a new capacity.
To put it bluntly, I’m running to stop the Biden Regime. Republicans in the Senate will need experienced, conservative leaders like me who showed their mettle by standing firm with President Trump to Make America Great Again.
As a congressman and formerly a pastor for two decades, I’ve provided principled conservative leadership and taken on the radical left AND the swamp establishment. When I was first elected, I told our team, let’s do more than make an argument, let’s make a difference.
We’ve made that difference, and now I’m vowing to once again be a bridge builder and conservative warrior as your next Senator for North Carolina.
Please show your support by making a donation today. We need to build up our coffers early to take on the inevitable attacks from the left, and spread our message of conservatism to all North Carolinians! Here is why this is urgent: Chuck Schumer has already picked his guy in NC and the path to turning the Senate blue runs right through our state.