Anxiety takes many forms in kids, sometimes making it hard to spot
Anxiety takes many forms in kids, sometimes making it hard to spot
Helping children when and where they need it most
One thing that makes childhood anxiety confusing is that it looks so different in different children. One child refuses to go to school because he’s terrified something will happen to mom and dad while he’s away. Another won’t eat because of an overwhelming fear of vomiting. Or can’t utter a word in public, even though she’s a chatterbox at home. A teenager avoids going places with his friends for fear of doing something humiliating, or having a panic attack.
This week on we look at different kinds of anxiety that occur in children and teenagers, and the range of behaviors that you might see as a result. From agoraphobia to social anxiety to panic disorder, what they all have in common is that they can cause serious distress and prevent kids from doing things they need and want to do. But the good news is that they are all very treatable with behavioral therapy (and sometimes medication).
- Caroline Miller, Editorial Director |

What Is Separation Anxiety?

Extreme worries about parents can persist in older children.

Fear of Vomiting

Shame and secrecy complicate a phobia common in children.

Panic Attacks and How to Treat Them

The fear and avoidance they inspire can be impairing.

Agoraphobia in Children

When kids avoid places out of fear of something bad happening.

Selective Mutism: Helping Kids Find Their Voices

Kids with SM are too anxious to speak in public.

What Is Social Anxiety?

When fear of how you appear gets in the way of functioning.

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