It's time to 'go big'
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EPI has built critical alliances with champions in Congress, like U.S. Representative Pramila Jayapal, as we fight together to “go big” in 2021 and pass real relief for working families and everyone who has been left behind for far too long.
Did you see Rep. Jayapal’s email below? She understands the importance of EPI’s work, and together, we are advancing our progressive movement for transformative economic change.
Will you join Rep. Jayapal in supporting EPI today with a year-end donation to fuel the research and data that support activists and elected officials alike as we fight for paid sick leave, universal health care, good jobs, a $15 minimum wage, and long-overdue labor law reforms to restore worker power? ([link removed])
Thank you for all that you do to fight for the rights and wages of working people.
In solidarity,
Thea Lee,
President, Economic Policy Institute
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On Wednesday, January 20, we will finally have a new president, a new opportunity to fight for working families, and a new chance to address the deep structural flaws that existed in our country long before the COVID-19 pandemic arrived.
We need to think about “going big” in 2021. Instead of defending a status quo that benefits corporations and the ultra-wealthy, let's deliver on a transformative agenda: good jobs, a minimum wage that is a living wage, health care guaranteed as a human right, bold climate action, and progressive policies that make a real impact.
As the Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, I depend on EPI's economic reports to craft bold legislation and build the support we need to fight for progressive economic change.
If you value EPI’s research, please join me in supporting EPI by making a year-end donation today. ([link removed])
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In recent years, with Donald Trump and congressional Republicans attempting to undermine critical programs and labor protections for working families, we fought back with proposals that lift up low- and middle-income families.
Now, with just weeks left until Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are sworn in as our next president and vice president, we will soon have a White House that centers the concerns of working people, a White House that understands the economic and public health challenges created by the pandemic, and a White House committed to making long-overdue progress to address systemic social and economic injustices.
For 34 years, EPI has generated trusted economic data and analysis to help lawmakers and activists develop and advance big ideas. Big ideas like passing universal health care, a $15 minimum wage, paid sick leave, labor law reforms, and making substantial investments in good-paying jobs in infrastructure, clean energy, and the care economy.
EPI is a crucial partner to progressive lawmakers in Congress and in Statehouses throughout our country. Join me in supporting EPI today. Make a year-end contribution to invest in the research behind our movement for progressive economic change. ([link removed])
Thank you for all that you do for the millions of working families throughout our country.
In solidarity,
U.S. Representative Pramila Jayapal
Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus
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