Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility



Hi Friend,

This year, the holidays—like the majority of 2020—will be different from  years past, however, we can all still safely celebrate the spirit of the season.  Most, if not all of us, have been overwhelmed by uncertainty and unknowns, some have experienced struggle, heartbreaking loss, or mounting hardship, and, at a minimum, everyone has experienced profound change. With safety for our loved ones and ourselves on our minds, the majority of Americans will be “home for the holidays.”

We asked Dr. Katie Friedman, an emergency room physician from Ft. Lauderdale, FL, for some advice about how to practice responsibility at home this December. We hope that her words and the following resources help to bring you comfort and joy, knowing that this holiday season will be different from those we have experienced in the past.

No matter where we are or who we are with, the need to  balance joyfulness with mindfulness remains critically important. We need to remember to exercise responsible behaviors at home (or away from home!) and recognize and  cope with stress constructively, take care of ourselves and, if we choose to drink, to do so mindfully—especially  if  our kids are  present. 

The team at created a list of resources that may serve as a guide as you navigate and celebrate this holiday season. From dealing with holiday stressors to finding resiliency, from being aware of potential traffic safety concerns to talking to your kids about alcohol, we hope to supply you with the tools you need to find both comfort and joy.

It is not our intention to close the door, to forget, or to put this year behind us, or put a damper on the holidays, but we also don’t want to sugar coat the year we have endured. It has been a true challenge and a year of learning. We have faced hardships that will leave marks on us for years to come. But  we can move gracefully forward with perseverance, resiliency, and intention.

We hope that you will enjoy the holidays and use these resources to protect yourself and your loved ones, and join us in practicing responsibility at home for the holidays. We wish you and yours a wonderful, safe, happy, and healthy season of giving and reflection.

- The Team leads the fight to eliminate drunk driving and underage drinking and promotes responsible decision-making regarding beverage alcohol.

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