Dear colleague in ministry,
Given your responsibility for parish social ministry, you may be interested in this upcoming webinar from Catholic Charities USA, featuring Aimee Shelide Mayer of the Catholic Labor Network:
Cultivating the Vineyard of the Lord - Parish Engagement with the Dignity of Work
Date: Dec 09, 2020 at 12:00 PM EST.
The social doctrine of the Church has its foundation in labor and the dignity of working people, and the rights of workers to organize for safe and dignified working conditions. Parish engagement and outreach, however, often skips over this focus on work and the dignity of workers. As our Church celebrates Advent by cultivating a place in our hearts and homes for Christ anew, you're invited to come learn about and discuss how parishes and Catholic Charities agencies can better cultivate the vineyard of the Lord by their outreach to protect the dignity and rights of workers through Church-Labor partnership. Aimee Shelide Mayer of the national Catholic Labor Network will guide us in this thought-provoking discussion. Register here