Urgent Action Needed for Big Cats
Dear John,
Today is Giving Tuesday, and we know that you are likely being asked for support by a number of groups. We are not emailing you here to ask for a donation, though we greatly appreciate any and all contributions to our Giving Tuesday campaign. We are asking, however, for a moment of your time to help protect big cats.
The US House of Representatives is poised to vote on the Big Cat Public Safety Act (H.R. 1380) this week, and we need your help to ensure it passes. Momentum has grown this year, as the spotlight has shone on the inhumane treatment of big cats used for cub petting and kept as private pets. This bill is an urgently needed solution to the problem of big cats kept in unsafe and abusive circumstances.
We know many are spread thin at this time of year, and we wouldn't ask for your time today if it weren't urgent and important.
What You Can Do
Please take a moment to ask your US representative to vote YES on the Big Cat Public Safety Act.
Then be sure to share our "Dear Humanitarian" eAlert with family, friends, and co-workers, and encourage them to contact their representative, too. As always, thank you very much for your help!
Cathy Liss
P.S. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for other important animal protection actions and news.
Photo by Andrey
Animal Welfare Institute
900 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20003 (202) 337-2332 | www.awionline.org
The Animal Welfare Institute is a not-for-profit organization, founded in 1951 and dedicated to reducing animal suffering caused by people. We seek better treatment of animals everywhere: in the laboratory, on the farm, in commerce, at home, and in the wild.