December 14, 2020
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In this episode, I discuss the explosive ties between the latest Hunter Biden email drop, and players tied to the troubling Uranium One scandal. |
FLASHBACK: Media “Experts” Mocked Trump for Promising Vaccine by End of Year
President Donald Trump launched Operation Warp Speed on May 15th 2020 to catalyze the creation of a vaccine to stop the coronavirus, and in record time they’re now being distributed nationwide. President Trump promised a vaccine by the end of the year even before the creation of Operation Warp Speed, and now we have just that.
Hunter Biden’s Attorneys Refuse to Cooperate With Senate Investigation
The Hunter Biden laptop scandal has led to accusations about everything from payoffs for influence over Joe Biden, payouts to Joe Biden, child endangerment, money laundering — the list goes on and on. Which of those charges are valid? The only way to find out is to investigate. Republicans in the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs have been attempting to do that, but have put out a press release saying Hunter Biden’s lawyers refuse to cooperate.
15 of the Most Insane Liberal Beliefs
Liberals and conservatives have always disagreed about the issues, but it seems like the gap between us has grown as wide as the Grand Canyon in the last few years. You have to think that even Democrats from a couple of decades ago would be shocked to see many of the bizarre and alien beliefs so many liberals have embraced. For example, many liberals believe…
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Dan Bongino, P.O. Box 1003, Palm City, FL 34991