Consider supporting our impactful upcoming books in your year end giving
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The Transformational Impact of Independent Institute Books
Even in a turbulent world of news bites, tweets, texting, clickbait, and video shorts, books remain the standard of authority.
You may have noticed that the people being interviewed in the media are almost always someone “who wrote the book on the subject.” Thus, Independent produces award-winning, peer-reviewed yet accessible books as the solid basis for putting ideas into impact.
Today, as long as key books are being produced and the results made available, busy people can access this information through an expanding array of convenient and timely communications. And we’re constantly adapting to changing communication technology and opportunities to bring thought-provoking, alternative solutions to an ever-expanding audience.
Since our founding in 1986, Independent has published over one hundred books (not including scores of language translations), and just in 2020 we have received forty book awards ([link removed]) !
And in each case, we ask:
* Will this book unearth crucial insights, once overlooked, on a critical issue?
* Will this book hold up to the most rigorous scrutiny?
* Are the conclusions based solely on reason, the evidence, and our commitment to human worth and dignity?
* In a politicized culture of evasions and disinformation, will this book cut through the noise and fog?
Through broadly sharing the key insights contained in our books, we are able to redefine and re-direct public debate to move toward meaningful reform. In this regard, this year our total media reach has surpassed 5.05 billion views (using the standard industry metric across TV, radio, print and web).
John C. Goodman
For example, the market-based analysis of healthcare issues by Senior Fellow John C. Goodman ([link removed]) (“father of health savings accounts”), in our books A Better Choice ([link removed]) and Priceless ([link removed]) led directly to ending the Obamacare individual mandate and lay behind much of the Trump Administration’s deregulatory healthcare agenda. And, a recent lead editorial ([link removed]) in the Wall Street Journal endorses Dr. Goodman’s new proposals for affordable, portable and accessible healthcare for all Americans.
Similarly, the historical and legal scholarship from Senior Fellow Stephen Halbrook ([link removed]) —a leading scholar on the Second Amendment—influenced key decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court. Our books by Dr. Halbrook, The Founders’ Second Amendment ([link removed]) and Securing Civil Rights, ([link removed]) were cited respectively in the landmark Heller and McDonald cases.
These are just two examples of the many ways in which award-winning Independent Institute books have influenced public opinion and policy towards liberty.
Forthcoming over the next few months, we have three new books on deck:
* New Way to Care: Social Protections that Put Families First ([link removed]) by John C. Goodman (Publication Date: Decembmer 15, 2020)
* Hot Talk, Cold Science: Global Warming’s Unfinished Debate ([link removed]) (Revised and Expanded Third Edition) by the late S. Fred Singer ([link removed]) and current Research Fellows David R. Legates ([link removed]) and Anthony R. Lupo ([link removed]) , with a foreword by William Happer ([link removed]) (Publication Date: January 18, 2021)
* Really Good Schools: Global Lessons for High-Caliber, Low-Cost Education ([link removed]) , by Senior Fellow James Tooley ([link removed]) (Publication Date: March 5, 2021)
Be on the lookout for updates on these books—each of which brightly shines a new light on many of our greatest challenges: the healthcare crisis, runaway entitlements spending and debt, climate alarmism, and our failing K-12 public-school systems.
We thus ask you to consider including the Independent Institute in your year-end giving, to help us share these crucial insights on seemingly intractable issues with policymakers, educators and students, business and civic leaders, journalists, and massive online audiences.
Invest in Ideas that Matter! ([link removed])
Thank you for your kind consideration, and best wishes to you and your family for a joyous Holiday Season!
[link removed] J. Theroux
Founder, President, and CEO
Independent Institute
100 Swan Way
Oakland, CA 94621-1428
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