
As of today, voters in Georgia can make their voices heard in the critical Senate runoff elections. That means we’re running out of time to make sure Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock pull ahead in their races.

Will you rush a contribution to Ossoff and Warnock today by clicking this link?

Mitch McConnell and GOP super PACs are set to spend well over $100 million in Georgia to influence the outcome of these elections. Mitch knows that if he loses even one seat in Georgia, his goal of blocking bills and progress will be much more difficult.

John, we don’t need to tell you how important it is that we flip the Senate blue on January 5th. This is our last chance to make sure that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have a Congress they can work with and get things done for the American people. Mitch McConnell has spent years obstructing progress at every turn, and he’ll do it again unless we stop him. A Republican-controlled Senate is the last thing we want for the incoming Biden-Harris administration.

If you can, please rush a donation of $10 or more right now so that Ossoff, Warnock, and Serve America can work to turn out Democrats in Georgia between now and January 5th.


Thank you,

Serve America

P.S. If you are a voter in Georgia, you can find information about how to cast your vote by clicking here.