we’re close to hitting our target for the deadline at midnight tonight.
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Dear Friend,

Grassroots donors like you are at the heart of making change.  Unlike my opponent, Blaine Luetkemeyer, who has taken hundreds of thousands of dollars from corporate PACs, I will not accept one dollar of corporate PAC money.  

So many of you have stepped up and donated towards our shared effort to build grassroots enthusiasm for change in 2020 but many of you have held off.  Because I am not willing to accept corporate PAC money, I really need your help.  There are 10 days left in the quarter and I'm challenging you, my grassroots supporters, to a 10 Day Challenge! Will you be a part of my effort to get 300 new grass roots donors in 10 days?

Every dollar we raise before the end of this quarter will go towards building campaign infrastructure; amplifying our message about the environment, economy, and healthcare system that works for everyone; and planning our budget for the rest of the year. 

 Can you pitch in $27, $50, $100, $250, or even $500?

In Gratitude,

-Geppert for Congress Team

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Katy Geppert for Congress

P.O. Box 3
Defiance, MO 63341


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