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What's the first word that comes to mind when you think of 2020?
Grueling? Isolating? Unending?
All fair. Although, some other words also come to mind: Inspiring. Defiant. Unstoppable. Thanks to you, that's how I’ll remember 2020. Here’s why:

This year, your support made a world of difference to animals. You broke open the cages for hundreds of millions of chickens. You saved countless birds from being boiled alive. And you held some of the most powerful companies in the world accountable.
In our movement, there are times when it seems like no one cares about animals, like it's hopeless, like we can't possibly win. This is not one of those times. 2020 is proof that no matter what the universe throws at us, together we will win. Because of you, a brighter future for animals is on the horizon. In fact, it's happening as we speak.
You are unstoppable! Thank you.

David Coman-Hidy
P.S. If you missed some of our biggest wins from the past year—including groundbreaking commitments from Tyson Foods, Aldi, and Burger King—we've collected them here.