Freedom is simple. You have a right to be left alone by me, and I have a right to be left alone by you. Neither of us has a right to force others to initiate...

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Violence in DC: Antifa & BLM Clash With Trump Supporters After Massive Rally

By mrctvstaff | Dec 13, 2020

There's violence breaking out between Trump supporters and Antifa rioters in Washington DC Saturday evening. Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters are getting violent with Trump supporters that remain in area following massive pro-Trump rallies held earlier...

Hunter Biden Referred to Father, Mother, Uncle & Chinese Business Partner as 'Office Mates' in 2017 Email

By Nick Kangadis | Dec 14, 2020

Here’s another story the radical media won’t cover. Take it for what you will. Apparently, Hunter Biden sent a 2017 email to the general manager of his old Washington D.C. office building telling her to “please...

Biden 'Quietly' Added Facebook & Google Employees to 'Transition Team'

By Nick Kangadis | Dec 14, 2020

Why is it that politicians — especially career politicians — always do the majority of the questionable things they do when no ones looking? It’s like they have something to hide.Politco’s Transition Playbook, which tracks any...

DeWines’s Ohio COVID Rule: High School Wrestlers Can Wrestle - But Can’t Shake Hands

By P. Gardner Goldsmith | Dec 11, 2020

In the midst of scratching their heads over Governor Mike DeWine’s (R) Dec. 7 extension of his bizarre, unconstitutional “curfew” to guard against a virus that, evidently, becomes more deadly after 10 pm and before...


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