John --
Good morning and welcome to our Week End Update.
Before we cover our activities this week in Washington, D.C., we
wanted to recap a few events we attended last weekend.
We joined The Irregulars Think Tank Breakfast last Saturday morning
to discuss border security, economic growth, trade and my
Congressional trip to Israel. We want to thank them for their gracious
invitation and look forward to seeing them again soon.

On Monday, we met with Cosmo Servidio, EPA Regional
Administrator, staff from EPA’s Mid-Atlantic Region (Region 3), Dr.
Andrew Sawyers, Director of EPA's Wastewater Office, and Christian
Rodrick from EPA’s Office of Legislative Affairs, during a lengthy
discussion regarding MS4 and stormwater management in Pennsylvania. We
covered this issue from a federal perspective representing the
District of Pennsylvania. I expressed the deep concerns and grievances
from the people of the District and how inequitable this stormwater
situation seems to be all over the state and basin. This initiative
must be transparent and equitable before constituents are asked to pay
a fee. We asked that the EPA reevaluate the current guidelines, review
the costs being required by municipalities to achieve compliance, and
work to find a way to act environmentally consciously while also not
being financially burdensome to the people. Officials from Washington
participated in the meeting, including representation from the White
House. Al Fox from Jackson Township and Dave Sutton from Lehman
Township also made the case that the cost to comply is overly
burdensome to their residents. Township officials from Luzerne County,
farmers from Lebanon County, the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and
Industry, and Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection also
participated. I also want to thank my great friends, State Senator
Lisa Baker and State Representative Karen Boback, for attending this
This week, we celebrated Constitution Day, the day our Constitution
was ratified. On Tuesday, 232 years ago, 39 brave patriots, including
8 Pennsylvanians, signed the U.S. Constitution in Philadelphia. Those
patriots were George Clymer, Thomas Fitzsimons, Benjamin Franklin,
Jared Ingersoll, Thomas Mifflin, Gouverneur Morris, Robert Morris and
James Wilson. 
On Wednesday, we also highlighted the 72 birthday of the U.S. Air
Force. We appreciate the dedication and bravery of these American
heroes. This is also a great opportunity to highlight one of our brave
Air Force reserves, Lebanon County Register of Wills Brian Craig, who
recently returned from active duty overseas. We are so blessed to have
him back in the District. Please join me in thanking Brian for his
continued service and his family for sacrificing while Brian again
fought to protect our nation.

On Thursday, in between votes, we were able to join
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals, ASPCA’s #paws4celebration event,
which raises awareness of shelter animals and helps to put a stop to
animal cruelty.

On Friday, we were honored to attend an event at the White House
with President Donald Trump welcoming Australian Prime Minister Scott
Morrison. While in attendance, I also was able to catch up with the
outstanding former Mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani. I was able to have
a discussion with Attorney General William Barr and I thanked him for
his faithful service in support of our laws and our President.
Australia is an important ally to the United States and we were
honored to welcome him to our nation's Capitol.

In News You Won’t Hear In the Mainstream
Media: President Trump and Republican Policies are
Making a Difference at the Border.
This week, President Trump made a trip to the southern border to
highlight the progress being made on the construction of the border
wall. This progress is being made despite the opposition of the
Democratic Party in the U.S. House.

The number of illegal immigrants caught crossing the southwest
border continued a sharp decline in August.
During the month of August, Customs and Border Patrol
apprehended or deemed inadmissible a total of 64,006 people. For July,
that number was 82,055. This represents a decline of approximately
22%. Moreover, the August number reflects a decline of 56% since the
May peak, which was a staggering 144,255.
This comes after President Trump struck a deal with Mexico to
beef up their security around the border and keep more asylum seekers
on their side of the border until their cases were resolved. The other
important thing that was done to help protect the border was bringing
in the National Guard from various states to help patrol the
border. That important move has also helped to reduce the number of
illegal crossing.
Again, despite the obstruction of the Democratic-led House of
Representatives to real immigration reform, President Trump is making
a positive difference securing our border and protecting our
With that being said, we still have a crisis at the border. We must
continue to build the wall and secure our southern border. President
Trump is doing his part, Congress must help. That is why it is
critical Republicans win back control of the U.S. House in 2020.
Today, the Bloomsburg Fair kicks off and I am going to be there
tomorrow.We will have staff outreach hours from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
on Tuesday, September 24 and Thursday, September 26, 2019. I will be
with Rep. David Millard and he is very active with the Bloomsburg
Staff will be available to meet with constituents who need
assistance contacting federal agencies, answering questions about
federal grants, and other resources. Constituents seeking to meet with
staff can do so at the State Building, near Gate 6 B and F Street.
In our Friday Night Light’s Update, we
wanted to congratulate the Pine Grove Cardinals on their victory,
27-14, over the Susquenita Blackhawks in Division play. The Pine Grove
Cardinals are now 4-1. We wish each one of our young student athletes
a good clean, hard-hitting game with no injuries.
Thank you and we will see you soon,

Dan Meuser