Dear John

“You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.” (John 15:16)

Mekedes Sileshi of Ethiopia describes how “12 years ago as a high school student, I attended the AE student discipleship program… It impacted my life so much that I started thinking and praying to become a minister of the Gospel.”

She explains that “After getting married to a Christian brother who has a similar purpose for life, we went to a place called Sikela for mission work. It is now 2 years as missionaries… It is because of AE’s discipleship program that my life is rooted in Jesus… and (I) even dared to become a missionary...”

Our brothers and sisters in Ethiopia face many challenges, not least of which is the civil conflict raging in the north. The country has been perceived by some as “an island of Christianity in a sea of Islam”, with the roots of Christianity stemming back to the biblical account of Philip's interaction with the important Ethiopian official (Acts 8:26-39). Today, around 63% of the population identify themselves as Christian believers, however violence and persecution against Christians remains an issue in many regions within the country.

Our work in Ethiopia focussed predominately on Christian discipleship programs run by hundreds of church volunteers throughout the country, and attended by up to 20,000 students in any given year, from year 5 to year 12. New freedoms in Ethiopia have meant that African Enterprise is now able to engage in social action / aid and development activities, and we are seeking prayer and funding for programs to improve the life situation of women and children in particular.

Thank you for praying with us to advance Christianity in Ethiopia, and our grateful thanks to supporters. Prayer points are below.

Please pray:

  • For Ethiopia’s upcoming Akaki Kaliti Mission, from the 23rd to 27th of December.
  • For ongoing fruitfulness for Ethiopia’s Student Discipleship Program.
  • For effective outreach amongst the Gumuz people of Ethiopia’s Metekel region.
  • For our proposed social action project amongst the firewood-collecting women of Arba Minch.
  • For Christianity in Ethiopia to flourish, and to continue to influence Islamic countries in the region.

May God bless you and your family this festive season, and may He grant us all increased fruitfulness in the year ahead.

Thank you so much for your prayers and ongoing support!


Ben Campbell
Chief Executive Officer
African Enterprise Australasia

For direct deposit, please use the following detail (and advise name and suburb)

Missions (Non-Tax Deductible): BSB 062 217   Account number: 1008 4527

Aid and Development (Tax-Deductible): BSB 062 217  Account number: 1008 4535

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