Folks, before I explain, I have a personal request: Can you chip in $10 or anything you can before our mid-month deadline on Wednesday?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

To be honest, we’re in a bit of a budget pinch. Look, we expected this after the election. Folks stop opening these emails, grassroots support fades, and our numbers take a tumble.

But our fight is not over yet. Democrats still have a chance to flip the Senate by winning both seats in Georgia.

Long story short: If we want to make progress on the most important issues and deliver for the American people, we need to give the Biden-Harris Administration a Democratic Senate. That only happens if we win both races in Georgia.

I’m doing everything I can to help Democrats win Georgia, but I can’t do it alone. This team knows a thing or two about overcoming Mitch McConnell’s attack machine, so I’m turning to you:

We need your help more than ever before. If you can, donate $10 or more to help us close the gap in our budget before Wednesday so we can win in Georgia and flip the Senate.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for your support. Let’s go win.

— John