Racial Bias in Government
Growing up in a conservative household, I always knew the government was fallible, ineffective and sometimes even corrupt. So it should surprise no one, least of all conservatives well aware of government's failures, that our public systems are overrun with racial bias too.
The parallels between lynchings and our modern death penalty system are striking. Innocent men were typically lynched for alleged crimes against white people with little evidence, no due process, and without a jury of their peers. Today, those sentenced to death are often tried in courtrooms where they are the only person of color, evidence is circumstantial, and their lawyer is ineffective.
Furthermore, we apply the death penalty predominately in cases with white victims, while victims of color often do not get the same resources or attention devoted to their cases.
Please make a year end donation to Conservatives Concerned so that we can end this egregiously racially biased government program:
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This year your gift will go further than ever before.
If you're giving to Conservatives Concerned for the first time, a generous supporter will match your gift dollar for dollar. Not a first time donor? The same donor will match the portion of your gifts over and above your previous donation.
Your gift will help rally Conservatives at the state and national level to stop executions, repeal death penalty laws, and educate the public about a system that makes mistakes, fails to keep us safe, and wastes millions of dollars.
Evidence of racial discrimination in the death penalty system is overwhelming. Consider that Black defendants make up 42 percent of those on death row while comprising only 13 percent of our current population. As conservatives we must work on the frontlines of fighting racial bias at the hands of the government. This work perfectly aligns with our values and belief system. Our movement was formed with the goal of ending slavery, and we succeeded!. Let's embrace that legacy and build on it.
Please be as generous as you can and join us in this important fight.
PS - This year a supporter will match all new gifts dollar for dollar. Please give today:
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Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty
A project of Equal Justice USA
81 Prospect St
Brooklyn, NY 11201
[email protected]