PFAW Member, Early voting starts TODAY in the two Georgia runnoff races that, with Vice President-elect Harris as the tie-breaking vote, could give Democrats an effective majority in the U.S. Senate! We won the White House and Democrats still control the House of Representatives. But what the Biden-Harris administration will be able to achieve for the American people, and what progressives will be able to achieve in Congress, could all hinge on whether or not Mitch McConnell holds onto his position as Majority Leader… … so let’s make sure he doesn’t! All donations 3X-MATCHED to People For’s Georgia Runoff Fund! People For the American Way has launched a massive campaign to secure a Democratic Senate Majority through the two runoff elections in Georgia … and we’re the right organization for the job. Coming out of the 2020 general election, we’re well positioned to lead the charge with grassroots text messaging, digital ads and organizing, and targeted persuasion outreach to the key voters who will swing these races. Despite sensationalistic, context-lacking news reports of Republicans making inroads into the Latino community in states like Florida and Texas, Georgia was one of the many states where we saw a direct correlation between Latino turnout and how well Biden and other Democrats did at the county level. That is in large part due to the work of our Latinos Vote! program that you supported. We’re also well-positioned to turn out other voters crucial to the Democratic coalition against the Trump Republicans on the ballot in these Senate races – Black voters, Asian voters, young voters, and more. We’re putting every lesson learned from this election into immediate use and not taking anything for granted. We know that it’s not just about talking to voters and making sure they turn out to vote, it’s about HOW we talk to voters, and reaching them with the specific messages on the specific issues that drive them … and making sure they know clear differences between Republicans and Democrats on those issues. This is it! We still have a shot to END Mitch McConnell’s reign in the Senate. Are you with us? Thank you for everything. Let’s stay energized and organized, because the fight’s not over! -- Ben Betz, Digital & Organizing